# Titanium.UI.iOS.PreviewAction

A PreviewAction provides options to configure actions used by the iOS 9 3D-Touch "Peek and Pop" feature.


# Overview

The PreviewAction is created by the Titanium.UI.iOS.createPreviewAction method. Set the title property when creating a PreviewAction object.

Use this class to configure preview actions used in the Titanium.UI.iOS.PreviewContext. The actions can also be part of the Titanium.UI.iOS.PreviewActionGroup.actions property.

For an example, see Titanium.UI.iOS.PreviewContext.

See also:

# Properties

# style

style :Number

The style of the action.


# title

title :String

The title of the action.

Provides a title to be shown when "peeking" a view referenced in the Titanium.UI.iOS.PreviewContext.

# Events

# click


Fired when the device detects a click against a preview action.

This event provides different properties depending on the view the Titanium.UI.iOS.PreviewContext is assigned to. Every event has the index property to identify the clicked action. If the Titanium.UI.iOS.PreviewContext is assigned to a Titanium.UI.ListView, the event provides the additional properties itemIndex, sectionIndex and itemId to identify the previewed row and section, respectively.


Name Type Description
index Number

The index of the clicked action.

itemIndex Number

The index of the clicked row, if the previewContext property of the Titanium.UI.iOS.PreviewContext is a Titanium.UI.ListView.

sectionIndex Number

The index of the clicked section, if the previewContext property of the Titanium.UI.iOS.PreviewContext is a Titanium.UI.ListView.

itemId String

The item ID of cell, if the previewContext property of the Titanium.UI.iOS.PreviewContext is a Titanium.UI.ListView.

source Object

Source object that fired the event.

type String

Name of the event fired.

bubbles Boolean

True if the event will try to bubble up if possible.

cancelBubble Boolean

Set to true to stop the event from bubbling.