# Titanium and Angular

This document will guide you on how to use Titanium and Angular together.

⚠️ Techical Preview

Titanium and Angular is currently only available as a Technical Preview and is under ongoing development. Expect things to be broken or APIs to change. Titanium Angular is not yet ready for production use!

If you run into problems read the Titanium Angular - FAQ or check out Titanium Angular - Limitations and Workarounds for more details about what features are already implemented and what is to come.

# Prerequisites

In order to use Titanium and Angular together you will need a recent nightly build of the Titanium SDK. Both the master and 9_2_X branch will have the latest updates for the Angular support. We recommend using 9_2_X as that branch is already in maintenance mode, whereas master is under active development. Chose one of the following commands to install the latest build from the 9_2_X branch and automatically select it as your default SDK.

Install Appcelerator CLI with Angular support

// appc-cli
appc ti sdk install -b 9_2_X -d

// ti-cli
ti sdk install -b 9_2_X -d

Titanium Angular makes use of our new webpack build pipeline introduced with SDK 9.1.0. For this you need to have the Appcelerator Daemon (appcd) and webpack plugin installed as well. For appc CLI versions 8.0.0+, appcd comes bundled with the CLI so you will already have it. If you use the ti CLI you need to install appcd globally on your machine.

Install appcd

npm i -g appcd

After appcd is installed you need to add the webpack plugin by running the following:

Install @appcd/plugin-webpack

npm i -g @appcd/plugin-webpack

Now that all the necessary tooling for Titanium Angular is installed you can create your first Titanium Angular project. Head over to the Getting Started guide to learn how to create a new Titanium Angular project and get to know the basic Titanium Angular project structure.

You can also visit the webpack Guide if you want to know more about the webpack build that powers Titanium Angular.

# Open Source

Make sure to also check out the titanium-angular (opens new window) repository on GitHub, which includes the most active state of the Angular support in Titanium.