# Titanium.UI.Color

Represents a color used for UI components.


# Overview

This type may be used on iOS for assignment to any property typically taking a String color value. A developer is not expected to typically interact with a Titanium.UI.Color object, as we generate them under the hood when converting the passed in String representations. One major exception is use of the Titanium.UI.fetchSemanticColor method, which will return an instance to be passed to UI components. This instance will automatically "adapt" the receiver to light/dark mode changes.

The only current instance you'd receive this type on Android is through the Titanium.UI.Android.getColorResource method. Note that Android does not currently support passing in instances of this type for UI components/properties! You must convert to a hex string representation to pass this in to any color properties on Android.

See UI Element Colors (opens new window) and Standard Colors (opens new window) for lists of named colors to pass to Titanium.UI.fetchSemanticColor on iOS.

See R.color (opens new window) for a list of system color names to use to pass to Titanium.UI.Android.getColorResource on Android.

# Methods

# toHex

toHex() String

Returns a hex string representation of the color (in the RRGGBB or AARRGGBB formats)

The returned value is an uppercase hex representation of the color with a leading '#'. If fully opaque, the alpha hex values will be omitted. For example, black would return '#000000'. Black with a 50% opacity would return '#80000000'

