# Titanium.UI.WebView
The web view allows you to open an HTML5 based view which can load either local or remote content.
# Overview
Use the Titanium.UI.createWebView method or <WebView>
Alloy element to create a web view.
Web views are more expensive to create than other native views because of the requirement to load the HTML browser into memory.
The web view content can be any valid web content such as HTML, PDF, SVG or other WebKit supported content types.
# JavaScript Context in WebViews--Local vs. Remote Content
JavaScript in the web view executes in its own context. The web view can interact with this content, but most of this functionality is limited to local content.
Local Scripts
When running local web content (that is, content that is included in the application's resources), scripts have access to the Titanium namespace. In particular, when running local web content:
You can use <Titanium.App.addEventListener> and <Titanium.App.fireEvent> to receive and send application-level events.
Events can be logged using the Titanium.API logging methods.
Remote Scripts
Scripts downloaded from remote web servers cannot access the Titanium namespace.
To interact with remote content, wait until the content is loaded, then use the Titanium.UI.WebView.evalJS method to execute a JavaScript expression inside the web view and retrieve the value of an expression.
# Local JavaScript Files
During the build process for creating a package, all JavaScript files, that is, any file with a '.js' extension, are removed and their content is encrypted and obfuscated into one resource, causing these files to not load properly in a WebView if they are loaded externally.
For JavaScript files referenced in static local HTML files, these JavaScript files are omitted from processing and left intact, which means they can be correctly loaded in the WebView.
For local JavaScript files not referenced in static local HTML files, for example, a dynamically-generated HTML file referencing a local JavaScript file, rename the file extension of the local JavaScript files to '.jslocal' instead of '.js'.
The build process for testing your application on the simulator, emulator or device does not affect the loading of local JavaScript files.
# iOS Platform Implementation Notes
On the iOS platform, the native web view handles scrolling and other related touch
events internally. If you add event listeners on the web view or its parent views
for any of the standard touch events (touchstart
, click
, and so on), these events
do not reach the native web view, and the user will not be able to scroll, zoom, click
on links, and so on. To prevent this default behavior, set
Titanium.UI.WebView.willHandleTouches to false
In other words, you can have either Titanium-style events against the web view instance, or internal JavaScript events in the DOM, but not both.
# Android Platform Implementation Notes
Android 4.4 and Later Support
Starting with Android 4.4 (API Level 19), the WebView component is based off of Chromium, introducing a number of changes to its rendering engine. Web content may look or behave differently depending on the Android version. The WebView does not have full feature parity with Chrome for Android.
By default, the Chromium WebView uses hardware acceleration, which may cause content to fail to render. If the WebView fails to render the content, the web view will clear itself, displaying only the default background color. The following log messages will be displayed in the console:
[WARN] : AwContents: nativeOnDraw failed; clearing to background color.
[INFO] : chromium: [INFO:async_pixel_transfer_manager_android.cc(56)]
To workaround this issue, you can enable software rendering by setting the WebView's borderRadius property to a value greater than zero.
If you are developing local HTML content and size your elements using percentages, the WebView may not calculate the sizes correctly when hardware acceleration is enabled, resulting in the same behavior previously mentioned.
To workaround this issue, you can use the previously mentioned workaround to enable software
rendering, use absolute size values or use the
onresize (opens new window) event to set the
heights of the components. For example, if you have a div element with an id set to component
that needs to use the entire web view, the following callback resizes the content to use the
full height of the web view:
window.onresize= function(){
document.getElementById("component").style.height = window.innerHeight + 'px';
For more information, see the following topics:
- Android Developers: Migrating to WebView in Android 4.4 (opens new window)
- Google Chrome: WebView for Android (opens new window)
Plugin Support
The Android web view supports native plugins.
To use plugin content, you must set the Titanium.UI.WebView.pluginState property to either Titanium.UI.Android.WEBVIEW_PLUGINS_ON or Titanium.UI.Android.WEBVIEW_PLUGINS_ON_DEMAND.
You must also call Titanium.UI.WebView.pause when the current activity is paused, to prevent plugin content from continuing to run in the background. Call Titanium.UI.WebView.resume when the current activity is resumed. You can do this by adding listeners for the Titanium.Android.Activity.pause and Titanium.Android.Activity.resume events.
Accessing Cookies
On Android, the web view uses the system cookie store which does not share cookies with the Titanium.Network.HTTPClient cookie store. Developers can manage their cookies for both cookie stores using the methods Titanium.Network.addHTTPCookie, Titanium.Network.addSystemCookie, Titanium.Network.getHTTPCookies, Titanium.Network.getHTTPCookiesForDomain, Titanium.Network.getSystemCookies, Titanium.Network.removeHTTPCookie, Titanium.Network.removeHTTPCookiesForDomain, Titanium.Network.removeAllHTTPCookies, Titanium.Network.removeSystemCookie, Titanium.Network.removeAllSystemCookies.
With Titanium SDK 8.0.0, we now use WKWebView to implement Ti.UI.WebView (as Apple has deprecated UIWebView). WKWebView has few restriction specially with local file accessing. For supporting custom-fonts with WKWebView a little modification is required in the HTML files:
font-family: 'Lato-Regular';
src: url('fonts/Lato-Regular.ttf');
To have a WKWebView scale the page the same way as UIWebView, add the following meta tag to the HTML header:
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0">
# Ti.UI.SIZE and WebViews
With Titanium 8.0.0+, Titanium.UI.SIZE does not work for WebViews. We recommend to give a fixed height to Titanium.UI.WebView (as noted in TIDOC-3355 (opens new window)).
As a workaround you can try to get the document.body.scrollHeight
inside Titanium.UI.WebView.load event
of webview and set the height to webview. See following example.
var win = Ti.UI.createWindow({
backgroundColor: 'white';
var verticalView = Ti.UI.createView({layout: 'vertical', width: "100%", height: "100%"});
verticalView.add(Ti.UI.createLabel({text: 'Label 1', top: 30, width: Ti.UI.SIZE, height: Ti.UI.SIZE}));
var htmla = "<div style='font-family: Helvetica Neue; font-size:16px'><ul><li>Item 1</li><li>Item 2</li></ul></div>";
var html = "<!DOCTYPE html>";
html += "<html><head><meta name='viewport' content='width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0, maximum-scale=1.0, user-scalable=0'><style type='text/css'>html {-webkit-text-size-adjust: none;}</style><script type='text/javascript'>document.ontouchmove = function(event){event.preventDefault();}</script></head><body style='overflow: hidden'>";
html += htmla;
html += "</body></html>";
var webview = Ti.UI.createWebView({left: '14dp', right: '14dp', top: '7dp', height: Ti.UI.SIZE, html: html, backgroundColor: "yellow"});
verticalView.add(Ti.UI.createLabel({text: 'Label 2', top: 30, width: Ti.UI.SIZE, height: Ti.UI.SIZE}));
webview.addEventListener('load', function(e) {
var result = webview.evalJSSync('document.body.scrollHeight');
Ti.API.info('webview height: ' + result);
webview.height = result;
# For More Information
See Integrating Web Content (opens new window) in the Titanium Mobile Guides for more information on using web views, including use cases, more code examples, and best practices for web view content.
# Properties
# allowedURLSchemes
List of allowed URL schemes for the web view.
See the example section "Usage of allowedURLSchemes and handleurl in iOS".
# allowsBackForwardNavigationGestures
A Boolean value indicating whether horizontal swipe gestures will trigger back-forward list navigations.
Default: false
# allowsLinkPreview
A Boolean value that determines whether pressing on a link displays a preview of the destination for the link.
This property is available on devices that support 3D Touch. Default value is false
If you set this value to true
for a web view, users (with devices that support 3D Touch)
can preview link destinations, and can preview detected data such as addresses, by pressing on links.
Such previews are known to users as peeks. If a user presses deeper, the preview navigates (or pops,
in user terminology) to the destination. Because pop navigation switches the user from your app to
Safari, it is opt-in, by way of this property, rather default behavior for this class.
Default: false
# assetsDirectory
Path of file or directory to allow read access by the WebView.
Use this property to change the resources the web view has access to when loading the content of a local file. By default the web view only has access to files inside the same directory as the loaded file. To reference resources from other directories (e.g. a parent directory) change this property accordingly.
If assetsDirectory references a single file, only that file may be loaded. If assetsDirectory references a directory, files inside that directory may be loaded.
This property needs to be set before url is assigned to a local file.
Use the blockedURLs property instead.
An array of url strings to blacklist.
An array of url strings to blacklist. This will stop the webview from going to urls listed in the blacklist. Note, this only applies in the links clicked inside the webview. The first website that is loaded will not be stopped even if it matches the blacklist.
An array of url strings to be blocked.
An array of url strings to be blocked from loading. This will stop the webview from going to urls listed in this array. Note that this only applies to the links tapped on by the end-user. The first website that is loaded will not be stopped, even if it is listed in the blocklist.
# cacheMode
Determines how a cache is used in this web view.
Default: Titanium.UI.Android.WEBVIEW_LOAD_DEFAULT
# cachePolicy
The cache policy for the request.
# configuration
The configuration for the new web view.
This property can only be set when creating the webview and will be ignored when set afterwards.
# disableBounce
Determines whether the view will bounce when scrolling to the edge of the scrollable region.
Set to true
to disable the bounce effect.
Default: false
# disableContextMenu
Determines whether or not the webview should not be able to display the context menu.
Set to true
to disable the context menu. Note that disabling the context menu will
also disable the text selection on iOS.
Default: false
# enableJavascriptInterface CREATION ONLY
Enable adding javascript interfaces internally to webview prior to JELLY_BEAN_MR1 (Android 4.2)
This property is introduced to prevent a security issue with older devices (< JELLY_BEAN_MR1)
Default: true
# handlePlatformUrl DEPRECATED
This property in no more supported in Titanium SDK 8.0.0+. Use property allowedURLSchemes in conjuction with handleurl. See the example section "Usage of allowedURLSchemes and handleurl in iOS".
Lets the webview handle platform supported urls
By default any urls that are not handled by the Titanium platform but can be handled by the
shared application are automatically sent to the shared application and the webview does not
open these. When this property is set to true
the webview will attempt to handle these
urls and they will not be sent to the shared application. An example is links to telephone
Default: undefined. Behaves as if false
# hideLoadIndicator
Hides activity indicator when loading remote URL.
Default: false
# html
HTML content of this web view.
See setHtml for additional parameters that can be specified when setting HTML content.
The web view's content can also be set using the data or url properties.
# ignoreSslError
Controls whether to ignore invalid SSL certificates or not.
If set to true
, the web page loads despite having an invalid SSL certificate.
If set to false
, a web page with an invalid SSL certificate does not load.
iOS Note: As soon as you set this property to true
, iOS will cache the response
for the lifetime of the current web view.
Default: undefined but behaves as false
# keyboardDisplayRequiresUserAction
A Boolean value indicating whether web content can programmatically display the keyboard.
When this property is set to true, the user must explicitly tap the elements in the web view to display the keyboard (or other relevant input view) for that element. When set to false, a focus event on an element causes the input view to be displayed and associated with that element automatically.
Default: undefined but behaves as true
# lightTouchEnabled
Enables using light touches to make a selection and activate mouseovers.
Setting this property solves the problem of web links with specific length not triggering a link click in Android.
This is only an Android specific property and has no effect starting from API level 18.
This flag is true
by default to retain backwards compatibility with previous
Default: true
# mixedContentMode CREATION ONLY
If true
, allows the loading of insecure resources from a secure origin.
On iOS this functionality can be set in the <plist>
section of the tiapp.xml
using the NSAllowsArbitraryLoads
key as part of the App Transport Security.
The plist key is enabled by default, allowing arbitrary loads to be processed.
Default: false
# onCreateWindow
Callback function called when there is a request for the application to create a new window to host new content.
For example, the request is triggered if a web page wants to open a URL in a new window. By default, Titanium will open a new full-size window to host the new content. Use the callback to override the default behavior.
The callback needs to create a new WebView object to host the content in and add the WebView to the
application UI. The callback must return either a WebView object to host the content in or null
it does not wish to handle the request.
The callback is passed a dictionary with two boolean properties:
: set to true if the content should be opened in a dialog window rather than a full-size window.isUserGesture
: set to true if the user initiated the request with a gesture, such as tapping a link.
The following example opens new web content in a new tab rather than a new window:
var tabGroup = Ti.UI.createTabGroup(),
win = Ti.UI.createWindow(),
tab = Ti.UI.createTab({window: win, title: 'Start Page'}),
webview = Ti.UI.createWebView({ url:'index.html'});
webview.onCreateWindow = function(e) {
var newWin = Ti.UI.createWindow(),
newWebView = Ti.UI.createWebView(),
newTab = Ti.UI.createTab({window: newWin, title: 'New Page'});
return newWebView;
# onlink
Fired before navigating to a link.
The callback will be called before navigating to the link. The Boolean return value of the callback will determine if the link will be navigated or discarded.
# overScrollMode
Determines the behavior when the user overscrolls the view.
Default: Titanium.UI.Android.OVER_SCROLL_ALWAYS
# pluginState
Determines how to treat content that requires plugins in this web view.
This setting affects the loading of content that requires web plugins.
To enable hardware acceleration, add the tool-api-level
elements shown below inside the android
element in your tiapp.xml
<android xmlns:android="http://schemas.android.com/apk/res/android">
<application android:hardwareAccelerated="true"/>
See Android documentation for WebSettings.PluginState.
This property only works on Android devices at API Level 8 or greater.
Default: Titanium.UI.Android.WEBVIEW_PLUGINS_OFF
# progress READONLY
An estimate of what fraction of the current navigation has been loaded.
This value ranges from 0.0 to 1.0 based on the total number of bytes expected to be received, including the main document and all of its potential subresources. After loading completes, the progress remains at 1.0 until a new download starts, at which point progress is reset to 0.0.
# requestHeaders
Sets extra request headers for this web view to use on subsequent URL requests.
Setting this property allows you to set custom headers to the URL requests.
The parameter will be key-value pairs: {"Custom-field1":"value1", "Custom-field2":"value2"}
On Android you should avoid Calling setRequestHeaders()
right after createWebView()
. Use the requestHeaders
inside createWebView()
or put it inside the window open
# scalesPageToFit
If true
, scale contents to fit the web view.
On iOS, setting this to true
sets the initial zoom level to show the entire
page, and enables the user to zoom the web view in and out. Setting this to
prevents the user from zooming the web view.
On Android, only controls the initial zoom level.
Default: `false` on iOS. On Android, `false` when content is specified as a local URL,
`true` for any other kind of content (remote URL, `Blob`, or `File`).
# scrollsToTop
Controls whether the scroll-to-top gesture is effective.
The scroll-to-top gesture is a tap on the status bar; The default value of this property is true. This gesture works when you have a single visible web view. If there are multiple table views, web views, text areas, and/or scroll views visible, you will need to disable (set to false) on the above views you DON'T want this behaviour on. The remaining view will then respond to scroll-to-top gesture.
Default: true
# secure READONLY
A Boolean value indicating whether all resources on the page have been loaded through securely encrypted connections.
# selectionGranularity READONLY
The level of granularity with which the user can interactively select content in the web view.
# url
URL to the web document.
This property changes as the content of the webview changes (such as when the user clicks a hyperlink inside the web view).
# userAgent
The User-Agent header used by the web view when requesting content.
On the iOS platform, this is not per-webview. Once you have set this property for a webview it will not change for same. But while creating new webview it can be changed to new user agent.
On Android, changing the user agent after the webview has begun loading content may cause
the webview to reload and fire multiple load
or beforeload
events. Developers should provide the
user agent value in the creation properties to avoid the reload and multiple events firing.
Default: System default user-agent value.
# willHandleTouches
Explicitly specifies if this web view handles touches.
On the iOS platform, if this web view or any of its parent views have touch listeners, the Titanium component intercepts all touch events. This prevents the user from interacting with the native web view components.
Set this flag to false
to disable the default behavior. Setting this property to false
allows the user to interact with the native web view and still honor any touch
events sent to
its parents. No touch
events will be generated when the user interacts with the web view itself.
Set this flag to true
if you want to receive touch events from the web view and
the user does not need to interact with the web content directly.
This flag is true
by default to retain backwards compatibility with previous
Default: true
# zoomLevel
Manage the zoom-level of the current page.
Default: undefined. Behaves as no zoom applied.
# Methods
# addScriptMessageHandler
Adds a script message handler.
Adding a script message handler with name 'name' causes the JavaScript function window.webkit.messageHandlers.name.postMessage(messageBody) to be defined in all frames in the web view.
Name | Type | Description |
handlerName | String | The name of the message handler and should not be 'Ti', as titanium is using it for internal usage. |
- Type
- void
# addUserScript
Adds a user script.
Name | Type | Description |
params | UserScriptParams | Properties required to create user script. |
- Type
- void
# backForwardList
An object which maintains a list of visited pages used to go back and forward to the most recent page.
- Type
- BackForwardList
# canGoBack
Returns true
if the web view can go back in its history list.
- Type
- Boolean
# canGoForward
Returns true
if the web view can go forward in its history list.
- Type
- Boolean
# createPDF
Create a PDF document representation from the web page currently displayed in the WebView.
If the data is written to a file the resulting file is a valid PDF document.
Name | Type | Description |
callback | Callback<DataCreationResult> | Function to call upon pdf creation. |
- Type
- void
# createWebArchive
Create WebKit web archive data representing the current web content of the WebView.
WebKit web archive data represents a snapshot of web content. It can be loaded into a WebView directly, and saved to a file for later use.
Name | Type | Description |
callback | Callback<DataCreationResult> | Function to call upon web archive creation. |
- Type
- void
# evalJS
Evaluates a JavaScript expression inside the context of the web view and optionally, returns a result. If a callback function is passed in as second argument, the evaluation will take place asynchronously and the the callback function will be called with the result.
The JavaScript expression must be passed in as a string. If you are passing in any objects, you must serialize them to strings using Global.
The evalJS
method returns a string representing the value of the expression. For
example, the following call retrieves the document.title
element from the
document currently loaded into the web view.
var docTitle = myWebView.evalJS('document.title');
It is not necessary to include return
in the JavaScript. In fact, the following
call returns the empty string:
myWebView.evalJS('return document.title');
The evalJS
variant with a second callback argument executes asynchronously.
myWebView.evalJS('document.title', function (result) {
// Manipulate the result here
Name | Type | Description |
code | String | JavaScript code as a string. The code will be evaluated inside the web view context. |
callback | Callback<String> | Optional callback function for the result. Required on Windows, optional on iOS/Android. |
Result of the evaluation. May be null if the asynchronous variant of this method is called.
- Type
- String
# findString
Searches the page contents for the given string.
Name | Type | Description |
searchString | String | The string to search for. |
options | StringSearchOptions | Options for search. |
callback | Callback<SearchResult> | Function to call upon search finished. |
- Type
- void
# goBack
Goes back one entry in the web view's history list, to the previous page.
- Type
- void
# goForward
Goes forward one entry in this web view's history list, if possible.
- Type
- void
# pause
Pauses native webview plugins.
Add a pause
handler to your Titanium.Android.Activity and invoke
this method to pause native plugins.
Call resume to unpause native plugins.
- Type
- void
# release
Releases memory when the web view is no longer needed.
- Type
- void
# removeAllUserScripts
Removes all associated user scripts.
- Type
- void
# removeScriptMessageHandler
Removes a script message handler.
Name | Type | Description |
name | String | The name of the message handler. |
- Type
- void
# resume
Resume native webview plugins.
Used to unpause native plugins after calling pause.
Add a resume
handler to your Titanium.Android.Activity and invoke
this method to resume native plugins.
- Type
- void
# setBasicAuthentication
Sets the basic authentication for this web view to use on subsequent URL requests.
The persistence property of this method is only supported on iOS and Titanium SDK 8.0.0+. It is ignored on other platforms and versions.
Name | Type | Description |
username | String | Basic auth user name. |
password | String | Basic auth password. |
persistence | Number | Constants specify how long the credential will be kept. This is only supported on iOS and Titanium SDK 8.0.0+. |
- Type
- void
# setHtml
Sets the value of html property.
The options
parameter can be used to specify two options that affect
the WebView main content presentation:
. Sets the URL that the web content's paths will be relative to.mimeType
. Sets the MIME type for the content. Defaults to "text/html" if not specified.
For example:
setHtml('<html><body>Hello, <a href="/documentation">Titanium</a>!</body></html>',
{ baseURL: 'https://developer.appcelerator.com/' });
Name | Type | Description |
html | String | New HTML to display in the web view. |
options | setHtmlOptions | Optional parameters for the content. Only used by iOS and Android. |
- Type
- void
# startListeningToProperties
Add native properties for observing for change.
Some common properties are title, URL, estimatedProgress etc. See native KVO capability at https://developer.apple.com/documentation/webkit/wkwebview. See example section "Listening to Web View properties in iOS" for usage.
Name | Type | Description |
propertyList | Array<String> | List of properties for listen. |
- Type
- void
# stopListeningToProperties
Remove native properties from observing.
Name | Type | Description |
propertyList | Array<String> | List of properties to remove. |
- Type
- void
# takeSnapshot
Takes a snapshot of the view's visible viewport.
Name | Type | Description |
callback | Callback<SnapshotResult> | Function to call upon snapshot captured. |
- Type
- void
# Events
# beforeload
Fired before the web view starts loading its content.
This event may fire multiple times depending on the content or URL. For example, if you set the URL of the web view to a URL that redirects to another URL, such as an HTTP URL redirecting to an HTTPS URL, this event is fired for the original URL and the redirect URL.
This event does not fire when navigating remote web pages.
Name | Type | Description |
url | String | URL of the web document being loaded. |
navigationType | Number | Constant indicating the user's action. |
isMainFrame | Boolean | Indicate if the event was generated from the main page or an iframe. |
source | Object | Source object that fired the event. |
type | String | Name of the event fired. |
bubbles | Boolean | True if the event will try to bubble up if possible. |
cancelBubble | Boolean | Set to true to stop the event from bubbling. |
# error
Fired when the web view cannot load the content.
The errorCode
value refers to one of the Titanium.UI URL_ERROR constants or, if it does not
match one of those constants, it refers to a platform-specific constant. The platform-specific
values are underlying iOS NSURLError*
or Android WebViewClient ERROR_* constants.
Name | Type | Description |
success | Boolean | Indicates a successful operation. Returns |
error | String | Error message, if any returned. May be undefined. |
code | Number | Error code. If the error was generated by the operating system, that system's error value is used. Otherwise, this value will be -1. |
url | String | URL of the web document. |
message | String | Error message. Use error instead. |
errorCode | Number | A constant or underlying platform specific error code. Use code instead. |
source | Object | Source object that fired the event. |
type | String | Name of the event fired. |
bubbles | Boolean | True if the event will try to bubble up if possible. |
cancelBubble | Boolean | Set to true to stop the event from bubbling. |
# load
Fired when the web view content is loaded.
Name | Type | Description |
url | String | URL of the web document. |
source | Object | Source object that fired the event. |
type | String | Name of the event fired. |
bubbles | Boolean | True if the event will try to bubble up if possible. |
cancelBubble | Boolean | Set to true to stop the event from bubbling. |
# onLoadResource
Fired when loading resource.
Android only. Notify the host application that the WebView will load the resource specified by the given url.
Name | Type | Description |
url | String | The url of the resource that will load. |
source | Object | Source object that fired the event. |
type | String | Name of the event fired. |
bubbles | Boolean | True if the event will try to bubble up if possible. |
cancelBubble | Boolean | Set to true to stop the event from bubbling. |
# sslerror
Fired when an SSL error occurred.
This is a synchronous event and the developer can change the value of ignoreSslError
to control if the request should proceed or fail.
Name | Type | Description |
code | Number | SSL error code. |
source | Object | Source object that fired the event. |
type | String | Name of the event fired. |
bubbles | Boolean | True if the event will try to bubble up if possible. |
cancelBubble | Boolean | Set to true to stop the event from bubbling. |
# onStopBlacklistedUrl DEPRECATED
Use the cross-platform blacklisturl
event instead.
Fired when a blacklisted URL is stopped.
Name | Type | Description |
url | String | The URL of the web document that is stopped. |
source | Object | Source object that fired the event. |
type | String | Name of the event fired. |
bubbles | Boolean | True if the event will try to bubble up if possible. |
cancelBubble | Boolean | Set to true to stop the event from bubbling. |
# blacklisturl DEPRECATED
Use the blockedurl
event instead.
Fired when a blacklisted URL is stopped.
Name | Type | Description |
url | String | The URL of the web document that is stopped. |
source | Object | Source object that fired the event. |
type | String | Name of the event fired. |
bubbles | Boolean | True if the event will try to bubble up if possible. |
cancelBubble | Boolean | Set to true to stop the event from bubbling. |
# blockedurl
Fired when a URL has been blocked from loading.
This event is fired when the end-user attempts to navigate to a website matching a URL in the blockedURLs property.
Name | Type | Description |
url | String | The URL of the web document that has been blocked from loading. |
source | Object | Source object that fired the event. |
type | String | Name of the event fired. |
bubbles | Boolean | True if the event will try to bubble up if possible. |
cancelBubble | Boolean | Set to true to stop the event from bubbling. |
# message
Fired when a script message is received from a webpage.
This event get fired when you have added a message handler using addScriptMessageHandler and the webpage sends a message to it.
Name | Type | Description |
url | String | URL of the web document being loaded. |
body | String | The body of the message sent from webview. |
name | String | The name of the message handler to which the message is sent. |
isMainFrame | Boolean | A Boolean value indicating whether the frame is the web site's main frame or a subframe. |
source | Object | Source object that fired the event. |
type | String | Name of the event fired. |
bubbles | Boolean | True if the event will try to bubble up if possible. |
cancelBubble | Boolean | Set to true to stop the event from bubbling. |
# progress
Fired when webpage download progresses.
Provides a normalized value between 0.0 and 1.0, where 0.0 indicates nothing was downloaded and 1.0 means the page and all of its resources has finished downloading.
Name | Type | Description |
value | Number | An estimate of what fraction of the current navigation has been loaded. |
url | String | URL of the web document being loaded. |
source | Object | Source object that fired the event. |
type | String | Name of the event fired. |
bubbles | Boolean | True if the event will try to bubble up if possible. |
cancelBubble | Boolean | Set to true to stop the event from bubbling. |
# redirect
Fired when a web view receives a server redirect.
Name | Type | Description |
title | String | Page title of webpage. |
url | String | URL of the web document being loaded. |
source | Object | Source object that fired the event. |
type | String | Name of the event fired. |
bubbles | Boolean | True if the event will try to bubble up if possible. |
cancelBubble | Boolean | Set to true to stop the event from bubbling. |
# handleurl
Fired when allowedURLSchemes contains scheme of opening url.
See the example section "Usage of allowedURLSchemes and handleurl in iOS".
Name | Type | Description |
handler | String | |
url | String | URL of the web document being loaded. |
source | Object | Source object that fired the event. |
type | String | Name of the event fired. |
bubbles | Boolean | True if the event will try to bubble up if possible. |
cancelBubble | Boolean | Set to true to stop the event from bubbling. |