# Titanium.UI.Android.CardView
CardView provides a layout container with rounded corners and a shadow indicating the view is elevated.
# Overview
Use a CardView to layout content that:
- Comprises multiple data types
- Does not require direct comparison
- Supports variable length content or displays more than three lines of text
- Contains rich content or interactive elements, such as comments or a favorite button
If you are displaying a collection of the same type in a uniform layout without many actions, use a Titanium.UI.ListView or Titanium.UI.TableView instead.
For design guidelines, see Google Design Guidelines: Cards (opens new window)
CardView does not support Titanium.UI.View.backgroundImage, Titanium.UI.View.borderColor, or Titanium.UI.View.backgroundGradient.
# Examples
# CardView used in a ScrollView
The following example creates a CardView used in a ScrollView.
var win = Ti.UI.createWindow({
title: 'Card Demo'
var scrollView = Ti.UI.createScrollView({
layout: 'vertical'
for (var index = 1; index <= 10; index++) {
var cardView = Ti.UI.Android.createCardView({
layout: 'vertical',
padding: '16dp',
top: '10dp',
left: '10dp',
right: '10dp',
text: 'Card ' + index,
maxLines: 1,
font: {
fontSize: '20dp',
fontWeight: 'bold'
width: Ti.UI.FILL
text: 'This is the card view description text.\nThis is the 2nd line of text.',
width: Ti.UI.FILL
# Properties
# backgroundColor
Background color for CardView as a color name or hex triplet.
For information about color values, see the "Colors" section of Titanium.UI.
# borderRadius
Corner radius for CardView.
Each corner is rounded using an arc of a circle. Values for each corner can be specified. For example, '20px 20px' will set both left and right corners to 20px
. Specifying '20px 20px 20px 20px' will set top-left, top-right, bottom-right and bottom-left corners in that order.
Default: 0
# elevation
Elevation for CardView.
The elevation of a view determines the appearance of its shadow. Higher elevations produce larger and softer shadows.
Note: The elevation
property only works on Titanium.UI.View
Many Android components have a default elevation that cannot be modified.
For more information, see
Google design guidelines: Elevation and shadows.
# paddingBottom
Inner padding between the bottom edge of the Card and children of the CardView.
# paddingLeft
Inner padding between the left edge of the Card and children of the CardView.
# paddingRight
Inner padding between the right edge of the Card and children of the CardView.
# paddingTop
Inner padding between the top edge of the Card and children of the CardView.
# preventCornerOverlap
Add padding to CardView on API level 20 and before to prevent intersections between the Card content and rounded corners.
Default: false
# useCompatPadding
Add padding on API level 21 and above to have the same measurements with previous versions.
Default: false