# Modules.CloudPush


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# Overview

Push notifications for Android via Appcelerator Cloud Services. When push is enabled, this module persistently connects to the ACS servers using a long lived and very light TCP socket. Using this, push notifications can be sent to your users.

Icons that are to be referenced by push notifications sent to the application should be placed in the platform/android/res/drawable folder of the application. Icon file names are specified in the notification message without their file extension (e.g. 'logo').

Sound files that are to be played by push notifications sent to the application should be placed in the Resources/android/sound folder of the application. Sound file names are specified in the notification message with their file extension (e.g. 'mysound.mp3').

The default property values listed below are used until you set a property for the first time. Because the properties are persisted to the device settings (just like Titanium.App.Properties), the most recent value you set will always be used.

# TiApp.xml

The constants this module uses can be overridden in your tiapp.xml, as follows:

# acs-push-api-url, acs-push-api-url-production, acs-push-api-url-development

Specifies which ACS api url is used.

# acs-gcm-sender-id, acs-gcm-sender-id-production, acs-gcm-sender-id-development

Specifies the required GCM sender id. If you visit https://code.google.com/apis/console, and create an app (or use an existing one), the sender ID will be in your URL following "#project:". For example, it may look like "801234118521".

# acs-grouped-notification-message, acs-grouped-notification-message-production, acs-grouped-notification-message-development

Specifies grouped message when there are more than one unread messages in Android notification tray. Use "$number$" to represent number of unread message. For example, if setting acs-grouped-notification-message to "You have $number$ unread messages.", you will get "You have 3 unread messages." if there are 3 unread message. This value also can be set by acs_grouped_notification_message under i18n/specific_locale/string.xml, to have an internationalization support.

For more information, please look at the Appcelerator Cloud Services documentation on http://www.appcelerator.com/ (opens new window).

# Examples

# callback listener

CloudPush.addEventListener('callback', function (evt) {
    Ti.API.info('Received push! ' + evt.payload);
    Ti.API.info('JSON: ' + JSON.parse(evt.payload));