# Modules.LDAP


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# Overview

# Desription

Provides access to LDAP directory servers by utilizing the [OpenLDAP library][openldap] (iOS) and [UnboundID LDAP SDK for Java][unboundid] (Android).

# Dependencies

This module requires Release 2.1.3 or newer of the Titanium SDK.

This module does not include support for the ARMv6 architecture on iOS. Refer to the Titanium Mobile 2.1.3.RC Release Notes (opens new window) for further details about ARMv6 support.

# Getting Started

View the Using Titanium Modules (opens new window) document for instructions on getting started with using this module in your application.

# Accessing the Module

Use require to access this module from JavaScript:

var ldap = require("ti.ldap");

The ldap variable is a reference to the module object.

# LDAP Resources

Visit the [OpenLDAP][openldap] or [UnboundID LDAP SDK for Java][unboundid] websites for details on the LDAP implementations used in this module.

# LDAP Version

This module supports version 3 of the Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAPv3).

# Interaction

The basic interaction for accessing an LDAP directory server is as follows:

  1. Create a connection object (createConnection)
  2. Connect to the server (connect)
  3. Bind to the server (simpleBind or saslBind)
  4. Search the directory (search)
  5. Iterate on the search results (firstEntry, nextEntry, firstAttribute, nextAttribute)
  6. Disconnect from the server (disconnect)

# LDAPS and Cert Files

When using ldaps:// set useTLS to true when calling createConnection. If you use TLS and do not pass a certFile to the createConnection method, the server's certificate will be accepted automatically. TLS must be enabled for the certFile to be used to validate the server's cert.

# Android

The cert needs to be a BKS keystore ([Instructions for creating BKS keystore][bks.instructions]). A BKS keystore can be created by using [importcert.sh][importcert.sh]. Ensure that you use [bouncycastle jar v146 or older][bouncycastle.jar] or you may get the following exception when using the keystore.

"java.io.IOException: Wrong version of key store."

Before using the keystore in the app, make sure that it is in the applicationData directory, it will not work if the keystore is in the resourcesDirectory.

# iOS

The cert should be a pem file.

If you receive the following error:

[ERROR] Error initializing TLS: Can't contact LDAP server (error:14090086:SSL routines:SSL3_GET_SERVER_CERTIFICATE:certificate verify failed (self signed certificate in certificate chain))

You may need to pass your caCertFile to createConnection.