# Installing Titanium SDK Continuous Builds

# Summary

To take advantage of bleeding edge functionality and the most recent bug fixes to the Titanium SDKs, without waiting for an official release, you can manually download and install a Continuous Integration Build (also known as CI Build or Continuous Build). Continuous Builds are packages compiled and published automatically when Titanium's open source repository (opens new window) has received a new code commit.

❗️ Warning

Be aware that only major releases of any of our software are officially supported and therefore, by the same token, we cannot accept Jira tickets or investigate problems that result from using a Continuous Build. That said, you may find discussions and workarounds for them in our Jira bug-tracking system (opens new window).

# Obtaining the build

You can download the latest continuous builds from http://builds.appcelerator.com (opens new window).

Use the drop-down menu at the top of the page to select between the existing development branches. The master branch is the branch currently in active development, and will ultimately become a major release. You can determine the version number associated with this branch by hovering over one of the download links and inspecting the name of the file.

💡 Hint

It's important to compare the SHA1 hash of the downloaded SDK archive with the one displayed on the download page, before you attempt to install it. Do not install the package if the SHA1 hashes don't match – this may indicate a corrupted package.

If you discover a corrupt package, simply download each previous day's release until you find one that is valid. There is no need to report it to us.

# Installing the build

# Appcelerator CLI install

To install a Titanium SDK using the appc cli, follow these steps:

  • Be sure to log in to the CLI if you are not already logged in (appc login)

  • Run appc ti sdk install -b master

  • The command above will install the latest CI build from master branch. You may substitute branch names seen at http://builds.appcelerator.com (opens new window) to grab bugfix/maintenance CI builds. These are typically of the naming scheme \d+_\d+_X,i.e.7_0_X

  • You can view additional command line options by executing:appc ti sdk install -h

# Studio install

To install a Titanium SDK using Studio, follow these steps:

  • Using a browser, navigate the http://builds.appcelerator.com (opens new window) website and choose the desired branch/release. Right click an SDK archive download link and copy its URL. Be sure to choose the correct zip for your host OS.

  • From Studio, select the menu item, Help > Install Appcelerator SDK...

  • The Install dialog appears. Select Install From URL

  • Paste the link into textbox, then click Finish

# Manual install

⚠️ Warning

We strongly recommend that you use Studio or the CLI to manage SDKs. Please see the previous section.

To manually install a Titanium SDK, follow these steps:

  • Extract the SDK archive file

  • Move the versioned directory, for example named in the format 6.0.0.v20160702162201, into your Titanium installation folder, which is contingent on your platform, as follows:

Operating System Target Platform Type Local Path
OS X (Pre-Lion) Mobile /Library/Application Support/Titanium
OS X (Lion+) Mobile ~/Library/Application Support/Titanium
Windows 7+ Mobile %ProgramData%\Titanium\mobilesdk\win32
Windows XP Mobile C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\Titanium
  • Restart Studio, open the project's tiapp.xml file, and select the new SDK from the SDK Version drop-down menu

# SDK archive file structure

Especially in corporate environments, it may be necessary to compile Titanium SDKs and make them available on a server. Be aware that Studio requires that the SDK file structure follows this convention:

.zip root
   |-- osx | linux | win32

This must be archived as mobilesdk-VERSION.NUMBER-OS.zip.