With the enactment of European Union's General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), we've updated our Privacy Policy and the way Axway collects and processes personal information. We welcome this change and understand the importance of data privacy as a human right. We are taking this opportunity to strengthen our global practices, expanding our robust data privacy practices, and will continue to support data privacy compliance.

For more information, please refer to Axway's Privacy compliance program (opens new window).

You can contact the Axway Data Protection Office by sending an email to privacy@axway.com. If you'd like to contact us in writing, see the following list of addresses that best applies to your location:

  • USA: Axway Inc, 6811 E. Mayo Blvd, 4th Floor, Phoenix, AZ 85054, USA

  • EMEA: Axway Software, Tour W, 102 Terrasse Boieldieu - 92807 Puteaux Cedex, FRANCE

  • APAC: Axway Australia, Suite 1301, 99 Mount Street, North Sydney, 2060 NSW, AUSTRALIA