# Modifying Your Configuration

# Overview

This guide explains the steps for modifying your configuration file.

# Modifying the INI Configuration File

  1. Locate the INI configuration file:

    1. Mac OS X:

      1. Navigate to the /Applications/Appcelerator Studio folder in Finder.

      2. Right-click (or control-click) on AppceleratorStudio.app and choose Show package contents.

      3. In the new Finder window, navigate to Contents/MacOS.

    2. Windows: Navigate to the location of your Studio application (likely under C:\Users\username\AppData\Local\Appcelerator Studio).

  2. Open AppceleratorStudio.ini.

  3. Edit the options as desired.

  4. Save and close the file.

⚠️ Warning

You can follow the same procedures on Eclipse. The folder structure will be identical, but the file to edit is eclipse.ini.