# BarcodeCaptureDict
Simple object passed to capture to capture a Barcode.
This is an abstract type. Any object of this structure can be used where this type is used.
# Properties
# acceptedFormats
An optional array of int constants detailing which barcode formats are accepted. Defaults to all formats. Check out the "Barcode Format Constants" section below to see the available int constants.
# allowedEANExtensions
An optional int[] that specifies allowed extension lengths for EAN or UPC barcodes. https://zxing.github.io/zxing/apidocs/
# allowedLengths
An optional int[] that specifies allowed lengths of encoded data -- reject anything else. https://zxing.github.io/zxing/apidocs/
# animate
Indicates if the device should animate between the current activity and the camera activity when the current activity is in a different orientation than the camera. Default is true.
Default: true
# assumeCode39CheckDigit
An optional boolean which if true, will assume Code 39 codes employ a check digit. https://zxing.github.io/zxing/apidocs/
Please note that this hint only applies to FORMAT_CODE_39 format barcodes.
# assumeGS1
An optional boolean to assume the barcode is being processed as a GS1 barcode, and modify behavior as needed. https://zxing.github.io/zxing/apidocs/
Please note that this hint only applies to FORMAT_CODE_128 format barcodes.
# characterSet
An optional string that specifies what character encoding to use when decoding, where applicable https://zxing.github.io/zxing/apidocs/
# keepOpen
Whether or not to keep the barcode scanner open after a barcode is recognized. Defaults to false. When set to true, "success" will fire once every time a barcode is recognized, up to two times per second. As such, it can fire multiple times for a single barcode!
Default: false
# preventRotation
Prevent the scanner from auto-rotating when the device is rotated. Default: true
Default: true
# pureBarcode
An optional boolean to assume the image is a pure monochrome image of a barcode. https://zxing.github.io/zxing/apidocs/
# returnCodabarStartEnd
An optional boolean which if true, will return the start and end digits in a Codabar barcode instead of stripping them. https://zxing.github.io/zxing/apidocs/
Please note that this hint only applies to FORMAT_CODABAR format barcodes.
# showCancel
Whether or not to include the default cancel button. Defaults to true.
Default: true
# showRectangle
Whether or not to include the default rectangle around the scanning area. Defaults to true.
Default: true
# tryHarder
An optional boolean to spend more time to try to find a barcode; optimize for accuracy, not speed. https://zxing.github.io/zxing/apidocs/