# Modules.Nfc.TagTechnology


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# Overview

NFC tags are based on a number of independently developed technologies and offer a wide range of capabilities. The TagTechnology proxies provide access to these different technologies and capabilities. The TagTechnology proxy is the base type for more type-specific tag technologies. You will work with the type-specific tag technology proxies which provide capabilities for each tag technology.

Use one of the <Modules.Nfc.createTagTechnologyIsoDep>, <Modules.Nfc.createTagTechnologyMifareClassic>, <Modules.Nfc.createTagTechnologyMifareUltralight>, <Modules.Nfc.createTagTechnologyNdefFormatable>, <Modules.Nfc.createTagTechnologyNdef>, <Modules.Nfc.createTagTechnologyNfcA>, <Modules.Nfc.createTagTechnologyNfcB>, <Modules.Nfc.createTagTechnologyNfcF>, <Modules.Nfc.createTagTechnologyNfcV> method variants to create a tag technology proxy.

See also: TagTechnology (opens new window)

# Examples

# Write Ndef Tag

This example uses the TECH_NDEF tag technology to write a <Modules.Nfc.NdefMessage> message to a tag.

var tech = nfc.createTagTechnologyNdef({
    tag: scannedTag

if (!tech.isValid()) {
    alert("Failed to create Ndef tag type");

// Attempt to write an Ndef record to the tag
try {

    // It's possible that the tag is not writable, so we need to check first.
    if (!tech.isWritable()) {
        alert ("Tag is not writable");
    } else {
        // Create a new message to write to the tag
        var date = new Date();
        var textRecord = nfc.createNdefRecordText({
            text: "Titanium NFC module. Tag updated on " + date.toLocaleString() + "!!!"
        var msg = nfc.createNdefMessage({
            records: [ textRecord ]
        // Write to the tag
} catch (e) {
    alert("Error: " + e.message);
} finally {
    if (tech.isConnected()) {