# Modules.Cloud.PushNotifications


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# Overview

For information on configuring and setting up push notifications, see the Push Notifications guide (opens new window).

The methods in this module are used to subscribe and unsubscribe from Arrow push notification channels, and to generate Arrow push notifications. Push notifications are received using platform-specific mechanisms:

  • On iOS, push notifications are received through the standard iOS push notification mechanism. When you register for push notifications, incoming push notifications are passed to the callback callback. See Titanium.Network.registerForPushNotifications for details.
  • On Android, push notifications are received through the <Modules.CloudPush> module. Add a listener for the callback event to receive push notifications.

To register for push notifications, you need to obtain an application-specific device token. To obtain a device token:

  • On iOS, when you successfully register for push notifications, the device token is passed to the success callback.
  • On Android, use CloudPush.retrieveDeviceToken to request a device token. The device token is passed to the success callback.

# Examples

# Subscribe to Channel

This example subscribes to a push notification channel and checks the response.

    channel: 'friend_request',
    device_token: myPushDeviceToken
}, function (e) {
    if (e.success) {
    } else {
        alert('Error:\n' +
            ((e.error && e.message) || JSON.stringify(e)));

# Unsubscribe to Channel

This example unsubscribes from a push notification channel and checks the response.

    channel: 'friend_request',
    device_token: myPushDeviceToken
}, function (e) {
    if (e.success) {
    } else {
        alert('Error:\n' +
            ((e.error && e.message) || JSON.stringify(e)));

# Notify Channel

This example sends a push notification to a channel and checks the response.

    channel: 'friend_request',
    payload: 'Welcome to push notifications'
}, function (e) {
    if (e.success) {
    } else {
        alert('Error:\n' +
            ((e.error && e.message) || JSON.stringify(e)));

# Update Subscription

This example updates the user's notification subscription with the device's current location, upon successfully obtaining the device's current position.

var latitude, longitude, 
var pushDeviceToken; // Device token obtained earlier...

Titanium.Geolocation.getCurrentPosition(function(e) {
    if (e.error) {
        Ti.API.error('Error: ' + e.error);
    } else {
        latitude = e.coords.latitude;
        longitude = e.coords.longitude;
            device_token: pushDeviceToken,
            loc: [longitude, latitude]
        }, function (e) {
            if (e.success) {
                alert('Subscription Updated.');
            else {