# Modules.BLE.RegionManager
An object that manages and scan beacons.
# Properties
# isMonitoringAvailable READONLY
Determines whether the device supports monitoring for the specified type of region.
If false, all attempts to monitor the specified type of region will fail.
# isRangingAvailable READONLY
Determines whether the device supports ranging.
If false, all attempts to range beacons will fail.
# locationManagerAuthorizationStatus READONLY
Returns the current authorization status of the calling application.
# locationServicesEnabled READONLY
Determines whether the user has location services enabled.
If false, and you proceed to call other CoreLocation API, user will be prompted with the warning dialog. You may want to check this property and use location services only when explicitly requested by the user.
# maximumRegionMonitoringDistance READONLY
The maximum region size, in terms of a distance from a central point, that the framework can support.
Attempts to register a region larger than this will generate a kCLErrorRegionMonitoringFailure. This value may vary based on the hardware features of the device, as well as on dynamically changing resource constraints.
# monitoredRegions READONLY
Retrieve a set of objects for the regions that are currently being monitored.
If manager has been instructed to monitor a region, during this or previous launches of your application, it will be present in this set.
# rangedBeaconConstraints READONLY
Retrieve a set of beacon constraints for which this location manager is actively providing ranging.
# rangedRegions READONLY
Retrieve a set of objects representing the regions for which this location manager is actively providing ranging.
# Methods
# requestAlwaysAuthorization
When locationManagerAuthorizationStatus == LOCATION_MANAGER_AUTHORIZATION_STATUS_NOT_DETERMINED, calling this method will start the process of requesting "LOCATION_MANAGER_AUTHORIZATION_STATUS_AUTHORIZED_ALWAYS" authorization from the user.
An application which currently has "LOCATION_MANAGER_AUTHORIZATION_STATUS_AUTHORIZED_WHEN_IN_USE" authorization and has never before requested "LOCATION_MANAGER_AUTHORIZATION_STATUS_AUTHORIZED_ALWAYS" authorization may use this method to request "LOCATION_MANAGER_AUTHORIZATION_STATUS_AUTHORIZED_ALWAYS" authorization one time only. Note: To call this method, you must have both NSLocationAlwaysUsageDescription and NSLocationWhenInUseUsageDescription keys in your app’s tiapp.xml file.
<string>Allow Location permission</string>
<string>Allow Location permission</string>
For More Info: https://developer.apple.com/documentation/corelocation/cllocationmanager/1620551-requestalwaysauthorization
- Type
- void
# requestRegionState
Asynchronously retrieve the cached state of the specified region. The state is returned to the "didDetermineState" event
Name | Type | Description |
beaconRegion | Modules.BLE.BeaconRegion | Beacon region which state is requested |
- Type
- void
# requestWhenInUseAuthorization
When locationManagerAuthorizationStatus == LOCATION_MANAGER_AUTHORIZATION_STATUS_NOT_DETERMINED, calling this method will trigger a prompt to request "LOCATION_MANAGER_AUTHORIZATION_STATUS_AUTHORIZED_WHEN_IN_USE" authorization from the user.
Note: This method runs asynchronously and prompts the user to grant permission to the app to use location services. The user prompt contains the text from the NSLocationWhenInUseUsageDescription key in your tiapp.xml file, and the presence of that key is required when calling this method. The user prompt displays the following options, which determine the authorization your app can receive.
<string>Allow Location permission</string>
- Type
- void
# startRangingBeaconsInRegion
Start calculating ranges for beacons in the specified region.
Name | Type | Description |
beaconRegion | Modules.BLE.BeaconRegion | Beacon region object |
- Type
- void
# startRangingBeaconsSatisfyingIdentityConstraint
Start calculating ranges for beacons in the specified region.
Name | Type | Description |
identityConstraint | Modules.BLE.BeaconIdentityConstraint | Beacon identity constraint object |
- Type
- void
# startRegionMonitoring
Start monitoring the specified region.
If a region of the same type with the same identifier is already being monitored for this application, it will be removed from monitoring. For circular regions, the region monitoring service will prioritize regions by their size, favoring smaller regions over larger regions. Note: This is done asynchronously and may not be immediately reflected in monitoredRegions.
Name | Type | Description |
beaconRegion | Modules.BLE.BeaconRegion | Beacon region object |
- Type
- void
# stopRangingBeaconsInRegion
Stop calculating ranges for the specified region.
Name | Type | Description |
beaconRegion | Modules.BLE.BeaconRegion | Beacon region object |
- Type
- void
# stopRangingBeaconsSatisfyingIdentityConstraint
Stop an earlier beacon ranging request. See startRangingBeaconsSatisfyingIdentityConstraint:.
Name | Type | Description |
identityConstraint | Modules.BLE.BeaconIdentityConstraint | Beacon identity constraint object |
- Type
- void
# stopRegionMonitoring
Stop monitoring the specified region.
It is valid to call stopMonitoring for a region that was registered for monitoring with a different region manager object, during this or previous launches of your application. Note: This is done asynchronously and may not be immediately reflected in monitoredRegions.
Name | Type | Description |
beaconRegion | Modules.BLE.BeaconRegion | Beacon region object |
- Type
- void
# Events
# didEnterRegion
Invoked when the user enters a monitored region.
Name | Type | Description |
region | Modules.BLE.BeaconRegion | Beacon region object |
source | Object | Source object that fired the event. |
type | String | Name of the event fired. |
bubbles | Boolean | True if the event will try to bubble up if possible. |
cancelBubble | Boolean | Set to true to stop the event from bubbling. |
# didExitRegion
Invoked when the user exits a monitored region
Name | Type | Description |
region | Modules.BLE.BeaconRegion | Beacon region object |
source | Object | Source object that fired the event. |
type | String | Name of the event fired. |
bubbles | Boolean | True if the event will try to bubble up if possible. |
cancelBubble | Boolean | Set to true to stop the event from bubbling. |
# didRangeBeacons
Invoked when a new set of beacons are available in the specified region
If beacons is empty, it may be assumed no beacons that match the specified region are nearby. Similarly if a specific beacon no longer appears in beacons, it may be assumed the beacon is no longer received by the device.
Name | Type | Description |
region | Modules.BLE.BeaconRegion | Beacon region object |
beacons | Array<Modules.BLE.Beacon> | Beacon objects |
source | Object | Source object that fired the event. |
type | String | Name of the event fired. |
bubbles | Boolean | True if the event will try to bubble up if possible. |
cancelBubble | Boolean | Set to true to stop the event from bubbling. |
# didRange
Invoked when a new set of beacons are available in the specified Beacon Identity Constraint
If beacons is empty, it may be assumed no beacons that match the specified Beacon Identity Constraint are nearby. Similarly if a specific beacon no longer appears in beacons, it may be assumed the beacon is no longer received by the device.
Name | Type | Description |
beaconConstraint | Modules.BLE.BeaconIdentityConstraint | Beacon Identity Constraint object |
beacons | Array<Modules.BLE.Beacon> | Beacon objects |
source | Object | Source object that fired the event. |
type | String | Name of the event fired. |
bubbles | Boolean | True if the event will try to bubble up if possible. |
cancelBubble | Boolean | Set to true to stop the event from bubbling. |
# didFailRanging
Invoked when an error has occurred ranging beacons in a region.
Name | Type | Description |
beaconConstraint | Modules.BLE.BeaconIdentityConstraint | Beacon Identity Constraint object |
errorCode | String | The error code; only present if an error occurred. |
errorDomain | String | The error domain; only present if an error occurred.. |
errorDescription | String | The error description; only peresent if any |
source | Object | Source object that fired the event. |
type | String | Name of the event fired. |
bubbles | Boolean | True if the event will try to bubble up if possible. |
cancelBubble | Boolean | Set to true to stop the event from bubbling. |
# didFail
Invoked when an any error has occurred.
Name | Type | Description |
errorCode | String | The error code; only present if an error occurred. |
errorDomain | String | The error domain; only present if an error occurred.. |
errorDescription | String | The error description; only peresent if any |
source | Object | Source object that fired the event. |
type | String | Name of the event fired. |
bubbles | Boolean | True if the event will try to bubble up if possible. |
cancelBubble | Boolean | Set to true to stop the event from bubbling. |
# rangingBeaconsDidFail
Invoked when an error has occurred ranging beacons in a region.
Name | Type | Description |
region | Modules.BLE.BeaconRegion | Beacon region object |
errorCode | String | The error code; only present if an error occurred. |
errorDomain | String | The error domain; only present if an error occurred.. |
errorDescription | String | The error description; only peresent if any |
source | Object | Source object that fired the event. |
type | String | Name of the event fired. |
bubbles | Boolean | True if the event will try to bubble up if possible. |
cancelBubble | Boolean | Set to true to stop the event from bubbling. |
# didDetermineState
Invoked when there's a state transition for a monitored region or in response to a request for state via a call to "requestRegionState"
Name | Type | Description |
region | Modules.BLE.BeaconRegion | Beacon region object |
state | Number | current state value. see REGION_STATE_* for possible values |
source | Object | Source object that fired the event. |
type | String | Name of the event fired. |
bubbles | Boolean | True if the event will try to bubble up if possible. |
cancelBubble | Boolean | Set to true to stop the event from bubbling. |
# didStartMonitoring
Invoked when a monitoring for a region started successfully.
Name | Type | Description |
region | Modules.BLE.BeaconRegion | Beacon region object |
source | Object | Source object that fired the event. |
type | String | Name of the event fired. |
bubbles | Boolean | True if the event will try to bubble up if possible. |
cancelBubble | Boolean | Set to true to stop the event from bubbling. |
# monitoringDidFail
Invoked when an error has occurred monitoring beacons in a region.
Name | Type | Description |
region | Modules.BLE.BeaconRegion | Beacon region object |
errorCode | String | The error code; only present if an error occurred. |
errorDomain | String | The error domain; only present if an error occurred.. |
errorDescription | String | The error description; only peresent if any |
source | Object | Source object that fired the event. |
type | String | Name of the event fired. |
bubbles | Boolean | True if the event will try to bubble up if possible. |
cancelBubble | Boolean | Set to true to stop the event from bubbling. |
# didChangeAuthorization
Invoked when the authorization status changes for this application.
Name | Type | Description |
state | Number | current authorization value. see LOCATION_MANAGER_AUTHORIZATION_STATUS_* for possible values |
source | Object | Source object that fired the event. |
type | String | Name of the event fired. |
bubbles | Boolean | True if the event will try to bubble up if possible. |
cancelBubble | Boolean | Set to true to stop the event from bubbling. |