# Windows Asset Qualifiers

❗️ Warning

As of Titanium 9.0.0, building Windows apps is no longer supported.

❗️ Warning

Support for Windows 8.1 and Windows Phone SDKs has been deprecated as of SDK 6.3.0.GA and has be removed in SDK 7.0.0.GA.

# Introduction

Windows Phone OS and Windows OS have a set of qualifiers you can use to select which assets to use based on screen size, language, region, theme, etc. The qualifiers can either be used as a name for a folder or may be included in the name of the file. If you use the qualifier as part of the filename, place the qualifier between the name and extension, for example, filename.qualifier.ext. You may combine qualifiers by concatenating them together with an underscore (_). In your project, reference the files without the qualifiers.

⚠️ Warning

Not all qualifiers are discussed in this topic, such as home region, direction layout, etc. For a complete list of qualifiers, refer to the Windows Dev Center: How to name resources using qualifiers (opens new window).

# Scale

Use the qualifiers below to support devices with different DPIs or screen resolutions. The scaling is based on the logical density factor returned by the device. The Windows Phone DPI column is an approximate value.

Qualifier Logical Density Factor Windows Phone DPI Windows Store Resolution Notes
scale-100 1.0 Up to ~96 At least 1024x768
scale-140 1.4 Up to ~134 (WVGA emulator) At least 1440x1080
scale-180 1.8 Up to ~172 (720p emulator) At least 1920x1440
scale-240 2.4 Up to ~230 (WXGA and 1080p emulators) N/A Windows Phone OS 8.1 only


Windows provides a high contrast theme as an accessibility feature. Use the following qualifiers to select an asset based on the high contrast theme:

Qualifier Use Notes
contrast_standard No contrast theme selected.
contrast_high High contrast theme selected.
contrast_black High Contrast Black theme selected. Only available for Windows OS
contrast_white High Contrast White theme selected. Only available for Windows OS

To change the theme:

Windows Phone Windows Tablet
1. Open Settings

2. Tap ease of access

3. Turn the High contrast switch on or off
1. Open PC Settings

2. Click Ease of Access

3. Click High contrast

4. Select a theme from the drop-down

# Language

For the language qualifiers, the notation differs if you place them in a folder or add the qualifier to the filename.

To change the language:

Windows Phone Windows Tablet
1. Open Settings

2. Tap language

3. If the language is present in the list:

1. Tap and hold the language you want to use and select move up until it is at the top

2. Tap restart phone

4. If the language is not present in the list:

1. Tap + add language

2. Select the langague you want to use

3. Tap the checkmark button

4. You may be prompted to download and install the language pack. Tap OK.

5. Tap restart phone.
1. Open PC Settings

2. Click Time and language

3. Click Region and language

4. If the language is present:

1. Click the language

2. Click Set as primary

5. If the language is not present:

1. Click + Add a language

2. Select the language you want to use

1. If there is a status message by the language, when the status of the language says, "Language pack available," click the language.

2. Click Options

3. Click Download to download and install the language pack

3. Click the language

4. Click Set as primary

6. You will need to log out and sign in to display the new language

# Example

A crazy technical writer decides to arrange the assets using the folders and filenames as shown below. Note that this example is to show the different ways to combine qualifiers. Do not structure your project this way.

└── assets
    └── windows
        ├── Image.lang-fr-CA_scale-100.png
        ├── Image.lang-fr-FR.png
        ├── Image.png
        ├── en-US
        │   ├── scale-100
        │   │   └── Image.png
        │   ├── scale-140
        │   │   └── Image.png
        │   ├── scale-180
        │   │   └── Image.png
        │   └── scale-240
        │       └── Image.png
        └── en-US_contrast_high
            └── Image.png

Each image file can be referenced by just using the filename Image.png.

// Reference the image without any of the qualifiers and the windows platform directory
imageView.image = 'Image.png';

The qualifiers tell Windows which image file to use.

Image File and Path Use
./Image.lang-fr-CA_scale-100.png Canadian French for a device with a 1.0 scale factor
./Image.lang-fr-FR.png French French
./Image.png Default image
./en-US/scale-100/Image.png American English for a device with a 1.0 scale factor
./en-US/scale-140/Image.png American English for a device with a 1.4 scale factor
./en-US/scale-180/Image.png American English for a device with a 1.8 scale factor
./en-US/scale-240/Image.png American English for a device with a 2.4 scale factor
./en_contrast_high/Image.png English with a high contrast theme