# Camera App Tutorial

# Overview

This tutorial will walk you through a basic app that allows the user to access the mobile device's camera and shoot pictures and videos. We will cover a generic project setup, set device permissions, and create a small app that allows for taking pictures.

# Project setup

Start with creating an empty Alloy project by executing this command: appc new

# Permissions

For Android, the build system will automatically add the needed "android.permission.CAMERA" and "android.permission.WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE" permissions to the AndroidManifest.xml for you. So, you don't need to edit the tiapp.xml file.

For iOS, you need to add the following key(s) to the tiapp.xml:

            <string>Need camera access to take pictures</string>

            <!-- Only needed when recording audio, such as via camera video capture. -->
            <string>Need microphone access to record video with audio</string>

Say cheese

It is time to open the camera! We add a simple button to our view and add a click event to it, so we can open the camera.

Simple button

        <Button id="btn_record" title="Take a picture" onClick="onClickRecord" />

The below code implements the button click event to request camera permission (if not currently granted) and then show the camera.

Click event

function onClickRecord(e) {
    // Request the user's permission to use the camera.
    // If already granted, then callback will be invoked without showing dialog.
    Ti.Media.requestCameraPermissions(function (e) {
        // Do not continue if permission was denied.
        if (!e.success) {
            alert('This app does not have permission to use the camera.');

        // Show the camera for taking a picture.
            success: function (e) {
                console.log('Photo was successfully taken via camera.');
                // $.imageView.image = e.media; // do this to
            cancel: function (e) {
                console.log('Camera canceled.');
            error: function (e) {
                console.error('Failed to show camera. Reason: ' + e.error);
                if (e.code === Titanium.Media.NO_CAMERA) {
                    alert('Device does not have a camera.');

The showCamera() method has some properties you can set to change some options and to get the image. For a full list, please review CameraOptionsType API documentation.

You can also add a custom overlay to the camera with the overlay property which is assigned a view. When doing this, you have to display your own buttons to take a picture or cancel out and use the Ti.Media.takePicture() and``Ti.Media.hideCamera() functions. On Android, using an overlay will display an in-app camera activity instead of displaying the default camera app installed on the device for taking photos.

This tutorial was adapted from https://devblog.axway.com/mobile-apps/from-zero-to-app-with-a-camera/ (opens new window) which was originally written by Michael Gangolf (opens new window)