# App Preview CLI Hook

# Titanium has an CLI hook that you can use to deploy builds to App Preview.

# CLI usage

The most common usage of the CLI are as follows:


appc run -p ios -T dist-adhoc --app-preview



appc run -p android -b --app-preview

Use the --app-preview flag with the CLI to upload your APK or IPA to App Preview.

If you wish to add release notes, use the --release-notes flag. For example:

appc run -p ios -T dist-adhoc --app-preview --release-notes='New build with awesome features

To invite testers via email addresses, use the --invite flag:

appc run -p ios -T dist-adhoc --app-preview --invite=someone@foobar.com,someelse@foobar.com

You can also set who to notify and add teams that have been previously invited to the app using the --notify and --add flags respectively. The add flag will give the team access but they will not get an email.

You can also set if you want to notify and add teams that have previously been invites to the app using --notify and --add flags. 'add' will give the team access, but they will not get an email. For example:

appc run -p ios -T dist-adhoc --app-preview --release-notes='New build' --notify='Devs,QA' --add='Legal'