# Running Titanium Applications

# Introduction

In Studio, Titanium applications may be executed in two modes:

  • In run mode, the program executes, but the execution may not be suspended or examined.

  • In debug mode, execution may be suspended and resumed, variables may be inspected, and expressions may be evaluated. For more information about debug mode, refer to Debugging Titanium Applications.

To launch a project in run mode, first select the project in the Project Explorer view, then in the global tool bar, select Run from the Launch Mode drop-down list and a device from the Target drop-down list. If the Launch Automatically option is enabled under the Target drop-down list, the application will be automatically launched after the target is selected. If not, you need to click the Launch button to start the build process.

If you do not see your device or simulator listed in the Target drop-down list, select Refresh Device from the Target drop-down list.

Alternatively, you can select Run Configurations (the last device option) to change your run-time options for a specific application and override the default values set in Preferences.

# Run Configurations

Use Run Configurations to change your run-time options on the fly. You can create custom run configurations for each of your projects and save them as a different name.

In the Project Explorer view, first select your project, then from the global toolbar, select Run from the Launch Mode drop-down list and select the Run Configuration... option under the Device drop-down list to launch the Run Configurations dialog. Select the deployment target you want to build and launch your application for, then configure your run-time options in the Main tab.

The following sections below list the run configurations for building your application on a specific emulator, simulator or device. Some common configuration settings include:

  • Name: name to call your run configuration. By default, Studio names them as: '[Platform] [Deploy Target] - [Project Name]'.

  • Project: select the project to be built and executed.

  • Re-build Project on Launch: if enabled, your code is rebuilt before being executed. This is an option for most emulators and simulators.

  • Log Level: select the verbosity level of the output log. This is an option for most emulators and simulators.

  • Enable JavaScript Minification: if enabled, your JavaScript code is minified (unnecessary white space is removed and code is obfuscated) before building. This is an option for most device builds (application installer).

# Android Application Installer

Configuration settings for building your application for Android devices:

  • Android SDK Version: select the Google API level to build your application against.

# Android Emulator

Configuration settings for building your application for the Android emulator:

# iOS Application Installer

Configuration settings for building your application for an iOS device:

  • Development Certificate: select your iOS development certificate.

  • Keychain: select your Mac OS X keychain access file.

  • Provisioning Profile: select your iOS development provisioning profile.

  • SDK Version: select the iOS SDK version to build your application against.

If you have not obtained a development certificate or created a provisioning profile, refer to Deploying to iOS devices.

You need to manually launch the application once it has been installed to the device.

# iOS Simulator

Configuration settings for building your application for an iOS simulator:

  • Device: select either iPhone or iPad.

  • iOS SDK: select the iOS SDK version to build your application against.

  • Simulator Version: select the simulator version to run your application on.

  • Display Type: select the simulator screen size: Non-Retina, Retina or Retina & Tall.

# Mobile Web Previewer on Emulator

Configuration settings for building your application to be previewed in a browser in an Android emulator:

# Mobile Web Previewer

Configuration settings for building your application to be previewed in a desktop browser:

  • Web Browser: select the desktop browser to preview your application with.

  • Preview Server: select the web server to deliver the application.

# Troubleshooting

Try cleaning and rebuilding your project.

  1. From the menu, select Project > Clean.

  2. A dialog appears. Select the projects you want to clean and click the OK button.

  3. Build your project again. You can optionally enable the Re-build Project on Launch option with a Run Configuration for simulator and emulator builds.

# Android Emulator

# Application Fails to Install Due to Insufficient Memory

  1. Open the AVD configuration file with your favorite text editor. The following are the default locations:

    1. On Mac OS X systems, open ~/.android/avd/<AVD_name>.avd/config.ini.

    2. On Windows 7 and 8 systems, open C:\Users\<user>\.android\avd\<AVD_name>.avd\config.ini.

  2. Add or edit the following variable:


# iOS Simulator

# Reserved Folder Names

Double-check that your project does not contain the following directories, which are reserved for Xcode projects:

  • Resources/Resources

  • Resources/Frameworks

# Reset the Simulator

If all else fails, you can reset your simulator, which erases all data, settings and applications from your simulator. To reset your simulator:

  1. Launch your simulator or start Xcode then select Open Developer Tool > iOS Simulator to start the simulator.

  2. Select iOS Simulator > Reset Content and Settings.

  3. A dialog appears asking to confirm your decision. Click the Reset button.