# Setting the Encoding of Your Text Files

Studio ships with UTF-8 encoding enabled by default, but you may wish to change this or set it to a new value.

# Setting your workspace encoding

  1. Select Preferences > General > Workspace.

  2. Find the Text File Encoding area.

  3. Ensure the Other radio button is selected and choose a new value from the list.

  4. Click OK to save your changes.

# Setting the encoding of a specific file

⚠️ Warning

Some files, like XML, have an encoding setting at the top of the file. This value will take precedence over any other value set in preferences.

  1. Select the file you are interested in from the Project Explorer view

  2. Right-click on the file, or select File > Properties

  3. Under the Resource tab, you will find a Text File Encoding area.

  4. Ensure the Other radio button is selected and choose a new value from the list.

  5. Click OK to save your changes.

# If you do not see your encoding in the list...


A complete list of Java encodings is available here: http://www.oracle.com/technetwork/java/archive-139210.html (opens new window). Select the Java encoding you want from the list.

You can manually specify one of the supported encodings from the above web page

  1. Select one of the previous "Text File Encoding" areas

  2. Type in a supported encoding; for example, Shift_JIS, by using the "Canonical Name" from the above list. Some common encodings:

    • Shift_JIS: Japanese

    • GB18030: Simplified Chinese

  3. Click OK