# Changing your file association preferences

# Overview

This page describes how you can use Studio, even if you are developing with ASP or other languages not yet supported.

By default, you can use Studio to create and edit JS, CSS, HTML, PHP, Ruby, XML, and other files. However, you can use the various Studio Editors with other file types, such as ASP files, by configuring support for those file types.

# For non-Studio file types

  1. Select Preferences..., and then choose General > Editors > File Associations.

  2. Add the appropriate file type.

    1. Next to the File Types list, click the Add... button.

    2. In the New File Type pop-up window, type the appropriate file extension (e.g. "*.asp").

    3. Click OK to add the New File Type to the List.

  3. Associate the new file type with Studio.

    1. On the File Types list, select the file type that you just added.

    2. Next to the Associated editors list, click the Add... button.

    3. On the Editor Selection pop-up window, select the editor that you want to associate with your file type.

    4. Click OK to add the editor. The new is now associated with the specified file type.

  4. Click OK to apply your changes and close the Preferences window.

# To set a new default editor

  1. Select Preferences..., and then choose General > Editors > File Associations.

  2. Select the appropriate file type.

    1. Next to the Associated editors list, select the editor you wish to be the default editor.

    2. Click Default to set the editor. The new is now associated with the specified file type.

  3. Click OK to apply your changes and close the Preferences window.