# Modules.BLE.Descriptor
An object that provides further information about a remote peripheral’s characteristic.
This is an abstract type. Any object of this structure can be used where this type is used.
# Overview
Descriptor objects represent the descriptors of a remote peripheral’s characteristic. Descriptors provide further information about a characteristic’s value. For example, they may describe the value in human-readable form and describe how to format the value for presentation purposes. Characteristic descriptors also indicate whether a characteristic’s value indicates or notifies a client (a central) when the value of the characteristic changes. iOS Note: You must use only one of the two currently supported descriptor types: CBUUID_CHARACTERISTIC_USER_DESCRIPTION_STRING or CBUUID_CHARACTERISTIC_FORMAT_STRING. Reference (https://developer.apple.com/documentation/corebluetooth/cbmutabledescriptor/1518999-init)
# Properties
# characteristic
A back-pointer to the characteristic this descriptor belongs to.
# value
The value of the descriptor.
The return type of this property varies as per the platform. In iphone and ipad, it can have multiple return type as String, Number and Titanium.Buffer. In android, the return type is Titanium.Buffer only. iOS Note: The descriptor value to cache. You must provide a non-nil value. Once published, you can’t update the value dynamically. Reference (https://developer.apple.com/documentation/corebluetooth/cbmutabledescriptor/1518999-init)