# User Interface Deep Dives

In the last chapter, you looked at the general ways to create the user interface of your app. In this chapter, we'll take a deeper look into the APIs you'll use to create various UI components. We'll look at tables and scrolling views, then move on to handling orientation, gestures, and animation. We'll finish out with some deeper looks at Android and iOS particulars.

# Sections

List Views

List Views are a very common mobile UI component. In this section, you'll explore the ListView-, ListSection- and ListItem-APIs to discover some of the more powerful and advanced features available through the Titanium API.

Scrolling Views

Titanium offers two types of scrolling view containers: the ScrollView and the ScrollableView. We'll take a look at both in this section.


Is your UI locked in portrait mode? Not even sure how to lock it in place? In this section, we'll see how to specify UI orientations and how to handle orientation changes in your apps.

Supporting Gestures

"Best of breed apps" go beyond supporting simple taps and scrolls. In this section, we'll see how to support shakes, swipes, and other gestures.


Animation adds visual interest to an app, of course. But it can also improve the visual experience by alerting users to changing information or drawing attention to important aspects of an app. In this section, you'll learn how to create basic and matrix-based applications, and take advantage of iOS's built-in transitions.

Custom Fonts

Custom fonts are a quick and easy way to personalize or brand your application. In this section, you'll learn how to add custom fonts to your iOS and Android apps.


Is your application accessible to persons with visual, hearing and motor handicaps? In this section, you'll learn how to use the accessibility features available through the Titanium API.

Android UI Components and Conventions

In this section, you'll examine some of the user interface and user experience components that are specific to Android.

iOS UI Components and Conventions

This section examines some of the user interface and user experience components that are specific to iOS.

Windows UI Components and Conventions

This section examines some of the user interface and user experience components that are specific to Windows.

Get started: ListViews >