# Titanium Resources

# Objective

Appcelerator strives to make the developer experience as effective and efficient as possible. In this section, you will explore some of the various resources available to Titanium Developers. These resources include development tools, documentation, example code, and multiple sources for developer support.

# Contents

# Developer resources

# Example code

You'll find sample code, example projects, app components, and more at the following github repositories.

(Apologies for anyone we left off. This list is hardly exhaustive.)

# Help and support

# Summary

In this section, you explored some of the resources available to Titanium Developers, including developer tools, documentation, example code, and multiple sources of developer support. To make full use of these, though, you'll need to gain a level of competency with the Javascript language. In the final section of this chapter you'll get a crash course in Javascript development, giving you the knowledge necessary to build your first mobile app with Titanium.