# About the Debug perspective

This page gives an overview of the Debug perspective.

# Introduction

Switch to the Debug perspective when you want to debug the JavaScript code on one of your web pages. The Debug perspective contains several views that are not found in the Web perspective:

  • Debug View - The Debug View displays debugging targets and processes that are currently running.

  • Variables View - The Variables View shows the scope of variables when the JavaScript thread is suspended.

  • Breakpoints View - The Breakpoints View lists the breakpoints for the file that you are debugging.

  • Scripts View - The Scripts View displays the scripts that are currently being debugged.

  • Expressions View - The Expressions View displays the value of current expressions.

  • AJAX Monitor View - The AJAX Monitor View displays current AJAX requests triggered inside the browser during the current debug session.

In addition to the above debugging-specific views, you will also have access to some views from the Web perspective that you are probably familiar with:

  • Editor - The Editor area displays the file currently being debugged in its appropriate Editor.

  • Outline View - The Outline View displays an outline of the code for the file that is currently being debugged.

  • Console View - The Console View displays log output from the debugger.


# Instructions

To switch to the Debug perspective:

  1. Click the Perspective button IconPerspective in the upper-right corner of the workbench.

  2. Select Other > Debug.

  3. Click OK.