# Studio Troubleshooting

# Overview

Bugs and feature requests need to be filed in two different locations, depending on if the issue relates to web development tools, or Titanium specific functionality.

# Submitting a Bug

Refer to Reporting Bugs or Requesting Features for more information. Check JIRA first as the issue may already have been reported with a fix or workaround.

# Common Issues

Some common troubleshooting requests and diagnostic solutions.

# Web Tools Feature Requests/Bugs

Please file a report at http://jira.appcelerator.org/browse/APSTUD (opens new window). Follow the checklist when creating a bug report.

# Titanium Tools Feature Requests/Bugs

Please file a report at http://jira.appcelerator.org/browse/TC (opens new window). Follow the checklist when creating a bug report.