# User Themes

# Overview

This page is a place for users to share their custom themes compatible with Studio. Please note that we also support Textmate themes, and a large number of user themes for it are found here: TextMate for macOS (opens new window).

# Solarized (Dark)

Homepage: Solarized color scheme for Aptana (opens new window)

Download: https://raw.github.com/bueltge/Aptana-Solarized/master/Aptana-Solarized%20(dark).tmTheme (opens new window) (right-click and select Save Link As...)


# Solarized (Light)

Homepage: Solarized color scheme for Aptana (opens new window)

Download: https://raw.github.com/bueltge/Aptana-Solarized/master/Aptana-Solarized%20(light).tmTheme (opens new window) (right-click and select Save Link As...)
