# Current Theme Scopes

# Overview

A list of all of the scopes currently available in Studio Themes.

⚠️ Warning

You can find out the current scope by place the cursor at a particular location and choosing "Commands > Bundle Development > Show Scope".

# General Tokens

We define special tokens for items that didn't fit well with this system as they aren't affiliated with an editor or language, and we extended the meaning of some of the existing tokens.

Token Description
markup.inserted fg/bg color used for git decorations for inserted lines, added files and staged files.
markup.deleted fg/bg color used for git decorations for deleted lines and unstaged changed files.
ansi.black color used in Terminals when we encounter the ASNI color code for black.
ansi.white color used in Terminals when we encounter the ASNI color code for white.
ansi.gray color used in Terminals when we encounter the ASNI color code for gray.
ansi.magenta color used in Terminals when we encounter the ASNI color code for magenta.
ansi.cyan color used in Terminals when we encounter the ASNI color code for cyan.
ansi.yellow color used in Terminals when we encounter the ASNI color code for yellow.
ansi.blue color used in Terminals when we encounter the ASNI color code for blue.
ansi.green color used in Terminals when we encounter the ASNI color code for green.
ansi.red color used in Terminals when we encounter the ASNI color code for red.

# Console Scopes

Scopes currently in use by our Terminal/Console

Token Description
console.error Error
console.output Output
console.input Input, Info output
console.prompt Prompt, Trace output
console.warning Warning

# CSS Scopes

Scopes currently in use by our CSS editor

Token Description
source.css Base scope for file
source.css.embedded.html CSS Embedded in HTML
comment.block.css Comment
constant.numeric.css Number
constant.other.color.rgb-value.css RGB
entity.name.tag.css Element
entity.other.attribute-name.class.css Class
entity.other.attribute-name.id.css ID
invalid.deprecated.color.w3c-non-standard-color-name.css Deprecated color
keyword.control.at-rule.media.css @ rule
keyword.other.unit.css Percentage
punctuation.asterisk.css Star
punctuation.section.property-list.css Left curly
punctuation.section.property-list.css Right curly
punctuation.separator.css Comma
punctuation.separator.key-value.css Colon
punctuation.slash.css Slash
punctuation.terminator.rule.css Semicolon
source.css Identifier
string.quoted.double.css Double quoted string
string.quoted.single.css Single quoted string
support.constant.color.w3c-standard-color-name.css Color
support.constant.font-name.css Font
support.constant.media.css Media
support.constant.property-value.css Value
support.function.misc.css Function
support.type.property-name.css Property
undefined.css Undefined

# HAML Scopes

Scopes currently in use by our HAML editor

Token Description
meta.section.attributes.haml Ruby Attributes
meta.prolog.haml Doctype
meta.tag.haml Tag
text.haml Text
meta.line.ruby.haml Ruby Eval
comment.line.slash.haml HTML Comment
meta.section.other.haml" Interpolation
source.ruby.embedded.haml Embedded Ruby
meta.section.object.haml Object
meta.line.ruby.haml.source.ruby.embedded.haml Comment

# HTML Scopes

Scopes currently in use by our HTML editor

Token Description
text.html.basic Base scope for file
comment.block.html HTML Comment
constant.character.entity.html Entities
entity.name.tag.block.any.html Block tag element name
entity.name.tag.inline.any.html Inline tag element name
entity.name.tag.script.html Script tag 'script' name
entity.name.tag.structure.any.html Structure tag element name
entity.name.tag.style.html Style tag 'style' name
entity.other.attribute-name.class.html Class attribute in tag
entity.other.attribute-name.html Attribute in tag
entity.other.attribute-name.id.html ID attribute in tag
invalid.illegal.bad-ampersand.html bare/unescaped ampersand
meta.tag.block.any.html scope for the tag (applies to anything inside brackets)
meta.tag.other.html Meta tag
meta.tag.sgml.html meta.tag.sgml.doctype.html !DOCTYPE
punctuation.definition.tag.begin.html Tag start '<'
punctuation.definition.tag.end.html Tag end '>'
punctuation.definition.tag.self_close.html Self-closing tag
punctuation.separator.key-value.html Equal sign '='
source.css.embedded.html style tag contents
source.js.embedded.html Javascript script tag contents
source.svg.embedded.html SVG tag contents
string.quoted.double.html Double-quoted string
string.quoted.single.html Single-quoted string
string.unquoted.cdata.xml CDATA
text Text (inside tag pairs)
undefined.html Undefined

# IDL Scopes

Scopes currently in use by our IDL editor

Token Description
source.idl Base scope for file
comment.line.double-slash.idl IDL Single Line Comment
comment.block.documentation.idl IDL Doc Comment
comment.block.idl IDL Multi-line Comment

# JavaScript Scopes

Scopes currently in use by our JavaScript editor

Token Description
source.js Base scope for file
source.js.embedded.html JavaScript Embedded in HTML
constant.language.boolean.false.js False
constant.language.boolean.true.js True
constant.language.js Constant
constant.language.null.js Null
constant.numeric.js Number
keyword.control.js Control keywords (break, case, if, else, return switch, goto, import, package, etc.)
keyword.operator.js Operators (?, !, +, >>, &, ++, +=, etc.)
keyword.other.js "Other" keywords (debugger)
meta.brace.curly.js Curly brace
meta.brace.round.js Parenthesis
meta.brace.square.js Square brace
meta.delimiter.object.comma.js Comma
operator.dot.js Dot
punctuation.terminator.statement.js Semicolon
source.js Source
storage.modifier.js Storage modifier
storage.type.js Storage type
support.class.js Support class
support.constant.dom.js DOM constant
support.constant.dom.js Support DOM constant
support.constant.js Support constant
support.function.dom.js DOM function
support.function.event-handler.js Event handler function
support.function.js.firebug Firebug function
support.function.js Support function
undefined.js Undefined
variable.language.js Variable

# PHP Scopes

Scopes currently in use by our PHP editor:

Token Description
keyword.php Language keywords, such as 'use', 'clone', 'declare', 'new', etc.
keyword.namespace.php 'namespace' keyword
keyword.control.php Control-keywords such as 'if', 'continue', 'while', 'return', etc.
keyword.other.class.php 'instanceof', 'extends' and 'implements' keywords
keyword.control.import.php 'include', 'include_once', 'require' and 'require_once' keywords
keyword.operator.logical.php Logical keywords and operators, such as 'and', 'at', 'as', '&&', '^', etc.
keyword.operator.bitwise.php Bitwise operators, such as '<<', '&', etc.
keyword.operator.assignment.php Assignments operators, such as '=', '%=', '^=', etc.
keyword.operator.comparison.php Comparison operators, such as '<', '<=', '===', etc.
keyword.operator.arithmetic.php Arthmetic operators, such as '+', '*', etc.
keyword.operator.increment-decrement.php '++' and '--' operators
keyword.operator.string.php String operation functions, such as 'dirname', 'printf', etc.
keyword.operator.class.php The '->' object operator
meta.function-call.static.php Double-colon operator '::'
variable.language.php 'this', 'self' and 'parent' keywords
variable.other.php Other variables, like $my_variable
variable.other.global.php Super-Global variables, like $_COOKIE, $_FILES, etc.
variable.other.global.safer.php 'Safer' PHP globals. Include: $GLOBAL, $_ENV, $_SERVER and $_SESSION
constant.language.php PHP language constants, such as '_FILE_', '_LINE_', etc.
constant.language.other.php 'True', 'False', 'Null', 'On', 'Yes', etc.
constant.php The 'const' keyword
constant.numeric.php For all types of numbers
constant.other.php Constant name
storage.type.php 'var', 'global' and 'interface' keywords
storage.type.function.php 'function' keyword
storage.type.class.php 'class' keyword
storage.modifier.public.php 'public' modifier
storage.modifier.private.php 'private' modifier
storage.modifier.protected.php 'protected' modifier
storage.modifier.static.php 'static' modifier
storage.modifier.final.php 'final' modifier
storage.modifier.abstract.php 'abstract' modifier
support.function.construct.php 'echo' and 'eval'
support.function.builtin_functions.php 'define'
support.class.php Built-in PHP API classes
support.constant.php Built-in PHP API constants
support.function.php Built-in PHP API functions
punctuation.terminator.expression.php Semicolon
comment.block.documentation.phpdoc.php PHPDoc block
comment.block.php Block comment
comment.line.double-slash.php Line comment that starts with //
comment.line.number-sign.php Line comment that starts with #

# Ruby Scopes

Scopes currently in use by our Ruby editor

Token Description
source.ruby.rails Base scope for file
character.ruby '?a' characters
comment.block.documentation.ruby =begin..=end block comments
comment.line.number-sign.ruby # single line comments
constant.numeric.ruby fixum, bignum, floats
constant.other.symbol.ruby :symbol
entity.name.function.ruby method name in definition
entity.name.type.class.ruby class name in definition
entity.name.type.module.ruby module name in definition
keyword.control.class.ruby 'class' keyword
keyword.control.def.ruby 'def' keyword
keyword.control.module.ruby 'module' keyword
keyword.control.start-block.ruby 'do' keyword
keyword.operator.arithmetic.ruby plus, minus, divide, multiply, etc.
string.interpolated.ruby Commands (inside backticks)
string.quoted.double.ruby Double quoted string contents
string.quoted.single.ruby Single quoted string contents
variable.other.block.ruby block arguments/variables
variable.other.constant.ruby Constants
variable.other.readwrite.class.ruby Class Variables
variable.other.readwrite.global.ruby Global variables
variable.other.readwrite.instance.ruby Instance variables
variable.parameter.ruby Parameters in method definitions

# SVG Scopes

Scopes currently in use by our SVG editor

Token Description
text.xml.svg Base scope for file
source.js.embedded.svg JS Tag Contents
source.css.embedded.svg CSS Tag Contents
comment.block.xml.svg SVG Comment
meta.tag.preprocessor.xml.svg SVG Processing Instruction
meta.tag.xml.svg SVG Tag
meta.tag.block.any.xml.svg SVG Block
string.unquoted.cdata.xml.svg SVG CDATA
meta.tag.sgml.doctype.xml.svg SVG DocType

# XML Scopes

Scopes currently in use by our XML editor

Token Description
text.xml Base scope for file
comment.block.xml XML Comment
meta.tag.preprocessor.xml XML Pre Processor
meta.tag.xml XML Tag
string.unquoted.cdata.xml XML CDATA
meta.tag.sgml.doctype.xml XML DocType

# YAML Scopes

Scopes currently in use by our YAML editor

Token Description
source.yaml Base scope for file
comment.line.number-sign.yaml YAML Comment
string.quoted.single.yaml YAML Single Quoted String
string.quoted.double.yaml YAML Double Quoted String
string.interpolated.yaml YAML Interpolated String
meta.tage.directive.yaml YAML Directive