# Project Explorer View

The Project Explorer view allows you to navigate through projects and resources in the same workspace.


# Using the Project Explorer View

In the Project Explorer view:

  1. Double-click on files to open them in their default Editor.

  2. Right-click on a project, folder, or file to open a right-context menu, where you can perform an action, such as copying or moving.

  3. Select a project in the Project Explorer view, then select a Launch mode in the Workbench toolbar to build and run the project.

# Toolbar

The toolbar of the Project Explorer view contains the following buttons:

If the Link with Editor button is toggled on, the active editor changes to the selected file if it is open.

# View Menu

Click the View Menu button, then select Customize View... to sort or filter items in the Project Explorer.

# LiveView

Appcelerator Studio Feature Only

If the LiveView button is toggled on before running the project, the LiveView tool will be enabled for the project.