# Appcelerator Command-Line Interface Reference

The Appcelerator Command-Line Interface (CLI) is a Node.js-based command-line tool for managing, building, and deploying Appcelerator projects, including Alloy, Titanium and Arrow projects. The Appcelerator CLI provides a unified mechanism for using the other CLI components.

This article provides in-depth information about the CLI commands and options. For information about some common tasks, see Appcelerator CLI Tasks.

# appc commands

If you don't specify all of the required options, appc prompts you for the missing options.

# Global options

Option Description
-h, --help Output usage information
--dashboard <dashboard> Dashboard URL used for logins
-l, --log-level <LOG_LEVEL> Sets the log output level. Specify either: trace, debug, info, warn or error.
-o, --output <format> Format output (only "json" is supported)
-v, --version Output the version of the CLI (if -o "json" is used, the version of npm will also be output)
-q, --quiet Reduce the amount of text output to the console
--no-banner Disable banner
--no-colors Disable colors
--no-services Disable services
--no-progress, --no-progress-bars Disable progress bars
--no-prompt Disable prompt
--prompt-port <promptPort> Port to use socket-based prompting
--prompt-type <PROMPT_TYPE> Prompt type. Specify either cli, socket or socket-bundle. Default is cli.
--username <USERNAME> Username for login
--password <USER_PASSWORD> Password for login
-e, --env <ENVIRONMENT> Environment to run the command. Specify either production, preproduction or development.
-O, --org-id <orgId> Organization id for login
-P, --plugin-paths <pluginPaths> Comma-separated search paths for plugins
-r, --registry <REGISTRY> Registry server URL to use
-s, --server <SECURITY_SERVER> Security server URL used for logins
-v, --vpc-env <vpcEnv> vpc environment for login

# Access

Manage a component's access rights.

# Access commands

# access get

Retrieves the component's access rights.

appc access get <MODULE_NAME> <options>

Example to get a module's access rights: $ appc access get connector/com.foo@1.0.0

# access set

Sets the component's access rights.

appc access set <MODULE_NAME> <ACCESS_RIGHTS> <options>

Access rights can be either:

  • public: everyone can see the component.

  • private (default): only the publisher can see the component.

  • org: Only certain organizations can see the component. Use the appc org command to add or remove organizations.

  • user: Only certain users can see the component. Use the appc user command to add or remove users.

  • user_or_org: Only certain users or organizations can see the component. Use the appc user or appc org command to add or remove users or organizations, respectively.

Example to set a module's access rights: $ appc access set connector/com.foo@1.0.0 private

# Alloy

Run an Alloy CLI command. See the Alloy Command-Line Interface Reference for more information.

appc alloy [command] [args] [options]

# Alloy options

Option Description
-h, --help Output usage information
--dashboard <dashboard> Dashboard url to use for logins
-l, --log-level <LOG_LEVEL> Sets the log output level. Specify either: trace, debug, info, warn or error.
-o, --output <format> Format output (only "json" is supported)
-v, --version Output the version of the cli (if -o "json", the version of npm will also be output)
-a, --app <app> Test app folder for running "alloy test"
-A, --apply Applies command changes [extract-i18n]
-b, --noBanner Disable the banner
-c, --config <config> Pass in compiler configuration
-f, --force Force the command to execute
-l, --logLevel <logLevel> Log level (default: 3 [DEBUG])
-n, --no-colors Turn off colors
-o, --outputPath <outputPath> Output path for generated code
-p, --project-dir <project-dir> Titanium project directory
-q, --platform <platform> Target mobile platform [android,ios]
-s, --spec <spec> Test spec to use with "alloy test"
-w, --all Require flag for generate styles
-x, --column <column> Column for source map query (default: 1)
-y, --line <line> Line for source map query (default: 1)
-z, --source <source> Source original file for source map query
--widgetname <name> Widget name, used with generate command
--testapp <name> Test app name to import, used with new command

# alloy new

Create a new alloy project.

appc alloy new [dir] [options]

⚠️ Warning

As of CLI 7.1.0, A custom template directory can be added via this commands:

appc alloy new . </path/to/template>


appc new --template </path/to/template>

# alloy compile

Compile into titanium source code.

appc alloy compile [dir] [options]

# alloy extract-i18n

Extracts i18n strings from the source code (js and tss files).

appc alloy extract-i18n [language] [options]

# alloy generate

Generate a new alloy type such as a controller.

appc alloy generate [type] [name] [options]

# alloy copy

Copy the controller, view, and style files from source to destination.

appc alloy copy [source] [destination] [options]

# alloy move

Move the controller, view, and style files from source to destination.

appc alloy copy [source] [destination] [options]

# alloy remove

Remove the controller, view, and style files at source.

appc alloy copy [source] [options]

# Appc Daemon

The Appcelerator Daemon is a server that hosts services which power the tooling for Axway products such as Titanium SDK.


# Daemon options

Option Description
-h, --help Display help
-v, --version Outputs the appcd version
--config=<json> Serialized JSON string to mix into the appcd config
--config-file=<file> Path to a appcd JS config file
--no-colors Disables colors

# appcd config

Get and set config options.

appc appcd config [options]

# appcd dump

Dumps the config, status, health, and debug logs to a file.

appc appcd dump [options]

# appcd exec

Connects to the Appc Daemon and executes the request.

appc appcd exec [options]

# appcd logcat

Streams Appc Daemon debug log output.

appc appcd logcat [options]

# appcd restart

Stops the Appc Daemon if running, then starts it.

appc appcd restart [options]

# appcd start

Starts the Appc Daemon if it's not already running.

appc appcd start [options]

# appcd status

Displays the Appc Daemon status.

appc appcd status [options]

# appcd stop

Stops the Appc Daemon if running.

appc appcd stop [options]

# appcd help

Displays the help screen.

appc appcd help [options]

# Cloud/ACS

Manages Arrow Cloud applications by running an Arrow Cloud CLI command. See the Arrow Cloud Command-Line Interface Reference for more information.


# Cloud/ACS commands

# cloud/acs options

Option Description
-h, --help Output usage information
--dashboard <dashboard> Dashboard url to use for logins
-l, --log-level <level> Change log level
-o, --output <format> Format output (only "json" is supported)
-v, --version Output the version number
-q, --quiet Reduce the amount of text output to the console
--no-banner Turn off banner
-n, --no-colors Turn off colors
--no-services Disable services
--no-progress, --no-progress-bars Disable progress bars
--no-prompt Disable prompt
--prompt-port <promptPort> Port to use socket-based prompting
--prompt-type <promptType> Prompt type ["cli","socket","socket-bundle"], defaults to "cli"
--username <username> Username for login
--password <password> Password for login
-e, --env <environment> Environment such as production, preproduction, development, etc
-O, --org-id <orgId> Organization id for logins
-P, --plugin-paths <pluginPaths> Comma-separated search paths for plugins
-r, --registry <registry> Registry server url to use
--vpc-env <vpcEnv> VPC environment for logins
-d, --dir <dir> Directory to load app from
--dates Turn on dates in logging

# cloud/acs new

Create a new cloud/acs app.

appc cloud/acs new [options] <name>

# cloud/acs domain

Set or remove domain of an existing app. If no appname provided it can run in app dir or with -d to specify an app dir.

appc cloud/acs domain [options] [appname]

# cloud/acs list

Show the status of all apps or the app specified by appname.

appc cloud/acs list [options] [appname]

# cloud/acs logcat

Tail the log entries output from your app. If no appname provided it can run in app dir or with -d to specify an app dir. 'logcat -h' for more options.

appc cloud/acs logcat [options] [appname]

# cloud/acs loglist

List the log entries during the specified start datetime and end datetime. If no appname provided it can run in app dir or with -d to specify an app dir. 'loglist -h' for more options.

appc cloud/acs loglist [options] [appname]

# cloud/acs accesslog

List the user access logs during the specified start datetime and end datetime. If no appname provided it can run in app dir or with -d to specify an app dir. 'accesslog -h' for more options.

appc cloud/acs accesslog [options] [appname]

# cloud/acs usage

List the system resource usage logs during the specified start datetime and end datetime. If no appname provided it can run in app dir or with -d to specify an app dir. 'usage -h' for more options.

appc cloud/acs usage [options] [appname]

# cloud/acs crt

Manage the custom SSL certificates for accessing apps via https. SSL certificates are used for servers in cloud based on certificate names (SubjectAltName or CN). If no appname provided it can run in app dir or with -d to specify an app dir. 'crt -h' for more options. This feature is available to enterprise user only.

appc cloud/acs crt [options] [appname]

# cloud/acs login

Login to the ACS cloud.

appc cloud/acs login [options] [username] [password]

# cloud/acs logout

Logout of the ACS cloud

appc cloud/acs logout

# cloud/acs publish

Publish an app to the ACS cloud. run in app dir or with -d to specify an app dir.

appc cloud/acs publish [options] [npm_username] [npm_password]

⚠️ Warning

If acs cli complains that npm is not found even though npm is in the path, ensure that the directory containing npm is in the NODE_PATH (for example, NODE_PATH=/usr/lib/node_modules).

# cloud/acs unpublish

Un-publish an app from the ACS cloud. If no appname provided it can run in app dir or with -d to specify an app dir.

appc cloud/acs unpublish [options] [appname]

# cloud/acs remove

Remove an app from both ACS cloud side and local side. If no appname provided it can run in app dir or with -d to specify an app dir. To remove local dir at the same time -d should be used. In addition, --force must be used to indicate to remove local dir.

appc cloud/acs remove [options] [appname]

# cloud/acs config

Config how many app servers in cloud to use.

appc cloud/acs config [options] [appname]

# cloud/acs whoami

Display current login user.

appc cloud/acs whoami [options]

# cloud/acs server

Set the server size for an app. If no appname provided it can run in app dir or with -d to specify an app dir. 'server -h' for more options.

appc cloud/acs server [options] [appname]

# cloud/acs download

Download the app source file with specified app name and version. If no appname provided it can run in app dir or with -d to specify an app dir, and the currently deployed app version will be downloaded if no app version option provided. 'download -h' for more options.

appc cloud/acs download [options] [appname]

# cloud/acs transfer-domain

Transfer a domain name from an app to another. 'transfer-domain -h' for more options.

appc cloud/acs transfer-domain [options] <domain_name>

# cloud/acs restart

Restart an app running in the API Runtime cloud. If no appname provided it can run in app dir or with -d to specify an app dir.

appc aloud/acs restart [options] [appname]

# Config

Get, set, or list configuration settings.

appc config <get,set,list> [<key>][<value>]

# Config examples

Display the entire config:

$ appc config list

Get a configuration key's value:

$ appc config get username

Set a configuration key's value to a string:

$ appc config set defaultEnvironment preproduction

Set a configuration key's value to an object:

$ appc config set devEnvironment '{"registry":"http://localhost:8082"}'

Set a deep configuration key's value:

$ appc config set devEnvironment.registry http://localhost:8082

Config commands

# config get

Retrieves a configuration setting.

appc config get <KEY_NAME>

# config list

Lists configuration settings.

appc config list

# config set

Sets a configuration setting.

appc config set <KEY_NAME> <VALUE>

# Generate

Generate an Appcelerator component.

appc generate [options]

# Generate options

Option Description
-D, --description <DESCRIPTION> Brief description of your project.
-P, --plugin-paths <PLUGIN_PATHS> Comma-separated search paths for plugins.
-t, --type <TYPES> Comma-separated list of component types to generate.

# Help

Displays the help screen.

appc help [<COMMAND>]

# Info

Since Release 5.0.0. Gets the current system information.

appc info [options]

# Install

Installs Appcelerator component. If no component is specified, the command will install the dependencies specified in the project's package.json file.

appc install [<componentNames>] [options]

# Install options

Option Description
-h, --help output usage information
-t, --type <type> component type
-g, --global Install the component globally for all projects. Saves it in the global cache.
-f, --force Force install
--skip-npm Skip install NPM dependencies. Only install Appcelerator components.
-P, --plugin-paths <PLUGIN_PATHS> Comma-separated search paths for plugins.

# Install examples

Install component dependencies for project (requires package.json):

$ appc install

Install a component locally:

$ appc install connector/appc.arrowdb

Install a component globally:

$ appc install connector/appc.arrowdb -g

Install a titanium module

$ appc install -t module hyperloop

# Login

Logs into the AMPLIFY Appcelerator Services.

appc login [options]

# Login options

Option Description
-H, --host <HOST_SERVER> Host for login.

# Logout

Logout from the AMPLIFY Appcelerator Services.

appc logout [options]

# Logout options

Option Description
-D, --deauthorize Delete device authorization on logout.

# New

Create a new app and/or server project.

appc new [options]

# New options

Option Description
-f, --force Overwrite any existing projects.
--id <PROJECT_ID> ID for your project.
-n, --name <PROEJCT_NAME> Name of the project.
--no-services Skip registering for AMPLIFY Appcelerator Services for Titanium projects.
-p, --platforms <PLATFORMS> Platforms for Titanium projects.
-P, --plugin-paths <PLUGIN_PATHS> Comma-separated search paths for plugins.
--project-dir <PROJECT_DIRECTORY> Directory containing the project.
-S, --subtype <SUBTYPE> Project subtype, such as sample or new.
-t, --type <TYPES> Project type such as `app`, `api`, `timodule` or `applewatch`.

# New examples

Create new project via interactive prompting:

Create a new titanium project

Create a new api project

# Org

Manager registry organizations for a component. Only applicable if the component access rights are set to either org or user_or_org.

appc org <add, remove, list> [<orgID>] [<component>]

# Org commands

NOTE: executing add or rm without an orgId will prompt you with a list of available orgs.

# org add

Add an organization to a component.


# org list

Lists organizations for a component.

appc org list [<COMPONENT>]

# org rm | remove

Remove an organization from a component.


# Org examples

List orgs for a component:

$ appc org list connector/my.connector

A dd an org to a component:

$ appc org add 12345 connector/my.connector

Remove an org from a component:

$ appc org remove 12345 connector/my.connector

# Owner

Manager registry owners for a component. Owners are specified by their AMPLIFY Appcelerator Services username or email.

appc owner <add, remove, list> [<owner>] [<component>]

# Owner commands

# owner add

Adds an owner to a component.

appc owner add <USERNAME> [<COMPONENT>]

# owner list

Lists owners of a component.

appc owner list [<COMPONENT>]

# owner rm | remove

Removes an owner from a component.

appc owner rm <USERNAME> [<COMPONENT>]

# Owner examples

Lists owners for a component:

$ appc owner list

Removes an owner from a component:

$ appc owner remove user@domain.org

Add an owner to a component

$ appc owner add newowner@email.com

# Platform

Runs a specified API against AMPLIFY Appcelerator Services.

appc platform <api> [<args...>] [options]

# Publish

Publish a component to the registry. You should run this command from inside the project's directory.

appc publish [options]

# Publish options

Option Description
-f, --force Overwrite any existing projects.
-P, --plugin-paths <PLUGIN_PATHS> Comma-separated search paths for plugins.
--image <name[:tag]> Name of the docker image
--app-version <version> Version of the app to be published. Only use with '--image' option
--prerelease Assign as a pre-release build rather than a latest build

# Remove

Remove installed Appcelerator CLI

appc remove [version]

# Remove options

Option Description
-a, --all Remove all installed but non-active versions
-f, --force Force the removal to proceed

Run a project–either build and run a Titanium application, or build and locally run an Arrow application.

appc run [options]

The following options only apply to Titanium applications:

# Generic build options and flags

Option Description
-b, --build-only Only perform the build; when specified, does not install or run the app.

When building a Windows project using appc run -p windows -T wp-device --wp-sdk ## --build-only, you can now use SDK values (e.g. 10.0.10240.0, 10.0.10586.0, etc.).
-f, --force Force a clean rebuild.
--skip-js-minify Bypasses JavaScript minification. Simulator builds are never minified. Only supported for Android and iOS.
--log-level <level> Minimum logging level. Supported options are trace, debug, info, warn, and error.
-p, --platforms <platform> Target build platform: Supported values are android, ios, and windows. (iphone and ipad are currently accepted as synonyms for ios.)
-d, --project-dir <directory> Directory containing the project, otherwise the current working directory is assumed.
-s, --sdk <version> Titanium SDK version to build with. If not specified, uses the configured default SDK.

# Android build options

Option Description
-A, --android-sdk <path> Path to the Android SDK.
-C, --device-id <name> Name of the device or emulator to install the application to. When --target is "device", then you can specify "all" to install the app to all connected devices.
-D, --deploy-type <type> Controls several settings such as optimization, encryption, and analytics. Type can be development, test, or production.

When --target is "emulator", the deploy type defaults to development, but can be set to test.

When --target is "device", the deploy type defaults to test, but can be set to development.

When --target is "dist-playstore", the deploy type is production and cannot be overwritten.

Note that test will minify and encrypt your JavaScript source code. Any JavaScript syntax errors, even files you are not using, will result in a build failure.
-K, --keystore <path> Location of the keystore file.
--key-password <keypass> Password of the keystore private key. Defaults to value specified with --store-password.
--liveview Starts a LiveView session to let you quickly preview changes to your application's UI. Requires Appcelerator Studio.
-L, --alias <alias> Alias for the keystore.
--no-launch Disables launching the app after installing.
-O, --output-dir <dir> Output directory (used when target is dist-playstore).
-P, --store-password <password> Password for the keystore.
--sigalg <algorithm> The digital signature algorithm to sign the .apk with. Possible algorithms are MD5withRSA, SHA1withRSA, and SHA256withRSA.
-T, --target <value> Target to build for. Target can be emulator, device, or dist-playstore.

# iOS build options and flags

Option Description
-C, --device-id <name> Name of the device or emulator to install the application to. When --target is "device", then you can specify "all" to install the app to all connected devices.
-D, --deploy-type <type> Controls several settings such as optimization, encryption, and analytics. Type can be development, test, or production.

When --target is "simulator", the deploy type defaults to development, but can be set to test.

When --target is "device", the deploy type defaults to test, but can be set to development.

When --target is "dist-appstore" or "dist-adhoc", the deploy type is production and cannot be overwritten.

Note that test will minify and encrypt your JavaScript source code. Any JavaScript syntax errors, even files you are not using, will result in a build failure.
--force-copy Forces files to be copied instead of symlinked for simulator builds only.
--force-copy-all Identical to the --force-copy flag except this will also copy the 32.5 MB libTiCore.a file. Removed since 8.0.0 and moving to the native JavaScriptCore library.
--launch-watch-app Launch both the watch app and main app; only used when target is simulator .
--launch-watch-app-only Launch only the watch app; only used when target is simulator .
--sim-focus Focus the iOS simulator (default is true). To not focus the simulator, use --no-sim-focus.
-V, --developer-name <name> iOS Developer Certificate to use; required when target is device.
-F, --device-family <value> Device family to build for (iphone, ipad, or universal). Default is universal, however if --target is set to "ipad", then the value defaults to ipad.
-I, --ios-version <value> iOS SDK version to build for. Default: latest installed iOS SDK.
-K, --keychain <value> Path to the distribution keychain to use instead of the system default; only used when target is device, dist-appstore, or dist-adhoc.
--launch-bundle-id <id> After installing the app in the iOS Simulator, launch a different app instead of the app that was just built. Useful if you need to launch a test runner that in turn launches your app.
-O, --output-dir <dir> Output directory. Only used when target is dist-adhoc.
-P, --pp-uuid <uuid> Provisioning profile uuid; required when target is device, dist-appstore, or dist-adhoc.
-R, --distribution-name <name> iOS Distribution Certificate to use; required when target is dist-appstore or dist-adhoc.
--sim-focus Focus the iOS Simulator after launching. Defaults to true.
-T, --target <value> Target to build for: simulator, device, dist-appstore, or dist-adhoc.
--watch-app-name <name> Name of the watch app to launch; only used when target is simulator .
-W, --watch-device-id <udid> Watch simulator UDID to launch when building an app with a watch app; only used when target is simulator .
-Y, --sim-type <type> iOS Simulator type: iphone or ipad; only used when target is simulator.

# Windows build options

❗️ Warning

As of Titanium 9.0.0, building Windows apps is no longer supported.

❗️ Warning

Support for Windows 8.1 and Windows Phone SDKs has been deprecated as of SDK 6.3.0.GA and has be removed in SDK 7.0.0.GA.

Options Description
-C, --device-id <value> UDID of the Windows Phone 8 device or emulator to build for. Only used when the target is wp-emulator or wp-device.

Note: An app can only be installed to a single device at a time.
-D, --deploy-type <type> Type of deployment (test, development or production). Only used when the target is wp-emulator, wp-device or ws-local.
-G, --wp-publisher-guid <GUID> Windows Phone Publisher ID. Only used when the target is wp-emulator, wp-device or dist-phonestore .
-I, --win-publisher-id <ID> Windows Publisher ID. Required to build the application.
--wp-product-guid <GUID> Deprecated as of 6.1.0. Windows 8 product ID, used for upgrading Win 8 apps to Win 8.1. Deprecated and will be removed in future version, use --win-product-guid instead.
-H, --win-product-guid <GUID> Since Release 6.1.0. Windows 10 product ID, used for upgrading Windows 8.1 apps to Windows 10.
-O, --output-dir <dir> Output directory. Only used when target is dist-phonestore or dist-winstore.
--ws-cert <file> Deprecated as of Release 6.1.0. Location of the Windows Store certificate file. Only used when target is ws-local or dist-winstore. Deprecated and will be removed in future version, use --win-cert instead.
-R, --win-cert <file> Since Release 6.1.0. Location of the Windows Store certificate file. Only used when target is ws-local or dist-winstore.
--wp-sdk <version> Deprecated as of Release 6.1.0. Windows Phone SDK version. Deprecated and will be removed in future version, use --win-sdk instead.
-S, --win-sdk <version> Since Release 6.1.0. Windows SDK version. When you run CLI on Windows 10, you can specify 10.0 to indicate building for Windows 10 Universal Windows Platform (UWP) app. You can target more specific SDK version, such as 10.0.15063.0 .
-V, --vs-target <version> Visual Studio target to build for.

* 12.0 to use Visual Studio 2013

* 14.0 to use Visual Studio 2015

* Visual Studio Community 2017 to use Visual Studio Community 2017

* Visual Studio Professional 2017 to use Visual Studio Professional 2017

* Visual Studio Enterprise 2017 to use Visual Studio Enterprise 2017
-T, --target <value> Target to build for:

* wp-emulator to run a Windows Phone app on the emulator

* wp-device to run a Window Phone app on a device connected to your host machine

* dist-phonestore to pakcage a Windows Phone app

* ws-local to run a Windows Store app on your local machine

* dist-winstore to package a Windows Store app
--skipInstallDependencies Since Release 6.1.0. Skip installing dependency packages. If you had trouble with app deployment on device, try this option.

Please ask your Confluence administrator to update the license for the MultiExcerpt Plugin for Confluence 4+ (opens new window) . Admin Info: The error is: license VERSION_MISMATCH

Search for components in the registry.

appc search <QUERY_TERM> [options]

# Search options

Option Description
-f, --filter <FILTER> Overwrite any existing projects.

# Setup

Runs the setup wizard and checks your environment.

appc setup [options]

# Switch

Since Release 5.0.0. Switch organizations without logging in or out of the CLI.

appc switch <org> [options]

# Titanium | ti

Execute titanium commands. See the Titanium Command-Line Interface Reference for more information.

appc ti <command> [options]
appc titanium <command> [options]

# Unpublish

Unpublish a project or component. The component name is only required if the project is run outside the project directory.

appc unpublish [options] [component]

# Unpublish options

Option Description
-d, --project-dir <projectDir> Directory containing the project.
-f, --force Force unpublish.

# Use

Selects the version of the CLI to use. Running the command with no options lists the available versions.

appc use [<add, remove, list>] [<user>] [<component>]

# Use options

Option Description
-d, --project-dir <projectDir> Directory containing the project.
-f, --force Force unpublish.

# User

Manage registry users for a component. Only applicable if the component access rights are set to either user or user_or_org.

appc user <add,remove,list>[ <user>][ <component>]

# User examples

Remove a user:

$ appc user remove user@domain.org

Add a user:

$ appc user add newowner@email.com

# User commands

# user add

Adds a user to a component.

appc user add <USERNAME> [<COMPONENT>]

# user rm | remove

Removes a user from a component.

appc user rm <USERNAME> [<COMPONENT>]

# Whoami

Displays information about the currently logged-in user.

appc whoami [options]

# Whoami options

Option Description
-f, --full Provides information about all the organizations, apps, etc. the user is a part of.
-l, --log-level <level> Change log level
-o, --output <OUTPUT_FORMAT> Output format. Currently only json is supported.