# Alloy XML Markup

# Introduction

In Alloy, the XML markup abstracts the Titanium SDK UI components, so you do not need to code the creation and setup of these components using JavaScript and the Titanium SDK API. All view files must be placed in the app/views folder of your project with the .xml file extension. During code compilation, Alloy looks for these markup files in this specific location to transform them into Titanium code, which can be executed by Studio and the CLI.

The following code is an example of a view file:


    <Window class="container">
        <Label id="label" onClick="doClick">Hello, World</Label>

The Alloy tag is the root element for the XML markup and is required in all views. The Window element defines an instance of the Ti.UI.Window object and within that window instance is the Label element which defines an instance of a Ti.UI.Label object. Almost all of the Alloy XML tags are the class names of the Titanium UI components without the preceding namespace. Exceptions to this rule are listed in the Element table below.

⚠️ Warning

With the release of CLI 7.1.0, you can use platform as a prefix in the XML. For example: <Label ios:text="Hello iOS!" android:text="Hello Android!" />

Within a controller, a UI component can be referenced if its ID attribute is defined. For instance, the Label component in the above example has its ID defined as label and can be referenced in the controller using $.label.

If the top-level UI component does not have an ID defined, it can be referenced using the name of the view-controller prefixed with a dollar sign and period ($.). For instance, the Window element in the above example can be referenced in the controller using $.index.

The following code is how you would traditionally code the markup example using the Titanium SDK:


var win = Ti.UI.createWindow();
var label = Ti.UI.createLabel({
  text: 'Hello, World'
label.addEventListener('click', doClick);

In the previous example, the win.open call and implementation of the doClick callback are missing. In Alloy, your JavaScript code and Titanium API calls need to be placed in the associated controller file to the view. For this example, the code would need be placed in app/controllers/index.js.

The following table lists the attributes for the UI components:

Attribute Description
id Identifies UI elements in the controller (prefixed with $.) and style sheet (prefixed with #). IDs should be unique per view but are not global, so multiple views can have components with the same ID.
class Applies additional styles (prefixed with . in the TSS file). Overwrites the element style but not the id style.
autoStyle Enables the autostyle feature for dynamic styling when adding or removing classes. See Dynamic Styles: Autostyle for more details.
formFactor Acts as a compiler directive for size-specific view components. Value can either be handheld or tablet. See Conditional code for more details.
if Use a custom query to apply additional styles to the element. See Conditional code and Alloy Styles and Themes: Custom Query Styles for more details.
module Requires in a CommonJS module. Note that the XML element must be named after a create<XMLElement> method in the module. See Module Attribute for more details.
ns Overrides the default Titanium.UI namespace. See Namespace for more details.
platform Switches the namespace based on the platform and acts as a compiler directive for platform-specific view components. Values can be any combination of platforms. See Conditional code and Namespace for more details.
<properties> Assigns values to UI object properties. See Property mapping for more details.
<events> Assigns callbacks to UI object events. See Event handling for more details.

The following table lists the special XML elements besides the Titanium UI components:

Element Description
Alloy Root element for all view XML files. Required in all views.
Collection Creates a singleton or instance of the specified collection. See the Collection element for more details.
Model Creates a singleton or instance of the specified model. See the Model element for more details.
Module Imports a module view inside this view. See the Module element for more details.
Require Imports a widget or includes another view inside this view. See the Require element for more details.
Widget Imports a widget inside this view. Same as the Require element with the type specified to 'widget'. See Importing widgets for more details.

index.xml is a special case that only accepts the following view components as direct children of the Alloy tag:

  • Ti.UI.Window or <Window>

  • Ti.UI.TabGroup or <TabGroup>

  • Ti.UI.NavigationWindow or <NavigationWindow>

  • Ti.UI.iOS.SplitWindow or <SplitWindow>

Other views do not have any format restrictions.

For examples, refer to the 'Alloy XML Markup' examples in the Titanium API Guides (opens new window) site. Most examples are in the components under the Titanium.UI section and also in Titanium.Android.Menu, Modules.Facebook.LoginButton, Modules.Map and Titanium.Media.VideoPlayer.

# Collection element

The Collection XML element creates a singleton or instance of a collection. The Collection tag needs to be a child of the Alloy parent tag.

The collection singleton is available in the Alloy.Collections namespace for the controller code to access. To create a singleton, use the Collection tag and assign the src attribute to the model file minus the .js extension. To access the collection from a controller, use the Alloy.Collections namespace and append the model filename (minus the .js extension) to the end of it.

For example, the code below creates a collection singleton based on a model called book:

    <Collection src="book" />
        <TableView id="table" />

The code below demonstrates how to access this collection from a controller:

var library = Alloy.Collections.book;


The Collection tag can also be used to create an instance of a collection that is only available to one controller. To create an instance of a collection, use the Collection tag, assign the src attribute to the model file minus the .js extension, assign the id attribute to access the collection in the controller, and set the instance attribute to true. To access the instance in a controller, use the ID that was defined in the markup.

For example, the code below creates a collection instance based on a model called book:

    <Collection id="localLibrary" src="book" instance="true"/>
        <TableView id="table" />

The code below demonstrates how to access this collection from a controller:

var library = $.localLibrary;

# Model element

The Model XML element creates a singleton or instance of a model. The Model tag needs to be a child of the Alloy parent tag.

The model singleton is available in the Alloy.Models namespace for the controller code to access. To create a singleton, use the Model tag and assign the src attribute to the model file minus the .js extension. To access the model from a controller, use the Alloy.Models namespace and append the model filename (minus the .js extension) to the end of it.

For example, the code below creates a model singleton based on a model called book:

    <Model src="book" />
        <TableView id="table" />

The code below demonstrates how to access this model from a controller:

var drama = Alloy.Models.book;

drama.set('title', 'Hamlet');
drama.set('author', 'William Shakespeare');

The Model tag can also be used to create an instance of a model that is only available to one controller. To create an instance of a model, use the Model tag, assign the src attribute to the model file minus the .js extension, assign the id attribute to access the model in the controller, and set the instance attribute to true. To access the instance in a controller, use the ID that was defined in the XML.

For example, the code below creates a model instance based on a model called book:

    <Model id="myBook" src="book" instance="true"/>
        <TableView id="table" />

The code below demonstrates how to access this model from a controller:

var drama = $.myBook;
drama.set('title', 'Hamlet');
drama.set('author', 'William Shakespeare');

# Module attribute

You can require a CommonJS module in an Alloy view using the module attribute of an XML element. To use the module attribute:

  1. Place the CommonJS module in your project's app/lib folder. This CommonJS module must expose a public method called create<XXX>, where <XXX> is used as the XML element in the Alloy view. This method also must return a Titanium UI object that can be added to the view.

  2. Add the <XXX> element to the Alloy view and set the module attribute to the path (after the app/lib folder) and name of the CommonJS module minus the extension. Custom attributes of the element are passed to the public method.

For example, the following CommonJS module, called foo.js, exposes the createFoo method, which returns a Label object inside a View object. In the Alloy view, to include this object, add the Foo tag and set the module attribute to foo.


// XML attributes are passed to the function
exports.createFoo = function (args) {
    var viewArgs = {
        backgroundColor: args.color || 'white',
        width: 100,
        height: 100
    var view = Ti.UI.createView(viewArgs);
    var labelArgs = {
        color: args.textColor || 'black',
        text: args.text || 'Foobar'
    var label = Ti.UI.createLabel(labelArgs);

    // Return a UI object that can be added to a view
    return view;


    <Window backgroundColor="white">
        <!-- Requires in the lib/foo.js module and calls the createFoo method -->
        <Foo module="foo" color="blue" textColor="orange" text="Hello, World!"/>

# Module element

You can also include a view from a native module using the Module XML element. To use the Module tag:

  1. Add the module to your project. For instructions on adding a module to your project, see Using Titanium Modules.

  2. Add the Module tag in to an Alloy view as a child of a window or another parent object depending on the view object returned by the module.

  3. Set the module attribute to the name of the module.

  4. Set the method attribute to the name of the method that creates a view object. If this attribute is not specified, Alloy uses createView.

  5. If the method invoked uses a simple JavaScript object as its only parameter, you can optionally pass in the parameters either inline or with the TSS file.

For example, to use the Paint Module (opens new window), first download and add the module to your project. The Paint Module creates a Titanium View, which can be drawn on, using the createPaintView method. To use this view in the index view-controller, you need to add it as a child of a window (or similar parent view object). In the code below, the Module tag is used to add the Paint Module to the window and passes properties inline that are specific to the module. You may also pass any Titanium.UI.View properties to the module since it extends a Titanium View.


    <Module id="paint" module="ti.paint" method="createPaintView" eraseMode="false" strokeWidth="1.0" strokeColor="red" strokeAlpha="100" />
    <Button onClick="eraseMe" bottom="0">Erase</Button>

If you can call methods on the created object, then you can invoke those methods in the controller using the assigned ID from the view as a reference to the object. For example, the PaintView object created earlier has a method called clear that erases all content in the Titanium View. The view in the previous example contains a button with the eraseMe function bound to a click event, and since the module has an id defined, the controller can invoke the clear method:


function eraseMe() {


# Require element

The Require XML element has two uses: including external views and importing widgets into the current view.

# Including views

Views may be included in other views using the Require element. Specify the type attribute as view and the src attribute should be the view file minus the .xml extension, and assign a unique value to the id attribute to reference the UI objects in the controller code. If you omit the type attribute, Alloy assumes it is implicitly set to view.

The example below creates a tab group in the main view file and includes two separate files for each tab.

Contents of the main view file (index.xml) that includes the rss and about views:

        <Tab id="leftTab">
            <Require type="view" src="rss" id="rssTab"/>
        <Tab id="rightTab">
            <Require type="view" src="about" id="aboutTab"/>

Contents of the rss view file (rss.xml):

    <Window id="rssWindow">
        <WebView id="rssView" />

Contents of the about view file (about.xml):

    <Window id="aboutWindow">
        <WebView id="aboutView" />

To use UI objects from the included views, the controller needs to reference the ID specified in the Require element and use the getView function with the ID of the object as the argument: var object = $.requireId.getView('objectId'). The code below demonstrates how to access the web view object from the about view, in the previous example code, to change the URL property.

var aboutView = $.aboutTab.getView('aboutView');
aboutView.url = 'http://www.google.com';

# Importing widgets

Within a view in the regular Alloy project space (app/views), use the <Widget> tag to import the widget into the application. A <Widget/> element is equivalent to a <Require/> element whose type attribute is set to "widget".

To import a widget:

  1. Copy the widget to the app/widgets folder. The widget must be contained within its own folder.

  2. Add the <Widget> tag in the XML and specify its src attribute as the folder name of the widget.

  3. Update the dependencies object in the config.json file by adding a key/value pair with the name of the widget as the key and the version number as the value.

You can optionally add the id and name attributes to the Require element:

  • The id attribute allows you to reference the widget in the controller code. You can use this reference to call methods exported by the widget.

  • The name attribute allows you to import a specific view-controller in the widget rather than the default one (widget.xml/widget.js). Specify the name of the view-controller minus the extension.

For example, to import the mywidget widget in to a project, copy mywidget to the app/widgets folder.

├── config.json
├── controllers
│   └── index.js
├── views
│   └── index.xml
└── widgets
    └── mywidget
        ├── controllers
        │   ├── foo.js
        │   └── widget.js
        ├── views
        │   ├── foo.xml
        │   └── widget.xml
        └── widget.json

Then, add the <Widget> tag in the XML. Specify the src attribute as mywidget. Additionally, define the id and name attributes. Since the name attribute is defined, the foo view-controller is used instead of the widget view-controller.


        <Widget src="mywidget" id="foo" name="foo" />

Since the id attribute is defined, the widget can be accessed from the controller.



Finally, update the dependencies object in the config.json file by adding a key/value pair with the mywidget as the key and the 1.0 as the value:

    "dependencies": {

# Passing arguments

You can add any custom attributes to the markup to initialize a widget or controller. For example, consider the following mark-up:


<Require id="foobar" src="foo" customTitle="Hello" customImage="hello.png"/>

This is equivalent to the following JavaScript:


var foobar = Alloy.createController('foo', {
    id: 'foobar',
    customTitle: 'Hello',
    customImage: 'images/hello.png' // Filesystem: app/assets/images/hello.png

In the required view's controller, the custom properties can be referenced using the $.args variable, for example:


var title = $.args.customTitle || 'Foobar';
var image = $.args.customImage || 'default.png';

See Alloy Controllers: Passing Arguments for more details.

# Binding events

To bind a callback to an event in a required view using the on attribute as detailed in Event Handling below, add an event listener for the UI component to trigger the event. For example, suppose you want to require a view that only contains a button. In the parent view, you require the button view and assign a callback to the click event:

Parent View:

<Require id="fooButton" src="button" onClick="doClick" />

Button View:

    <Button id="button">Click Me!</Button>

The doClick method is defined in the parent's controller.

In the controller of the required view, you need to define an event listener that triggers the event for the parent view to receive:

$.button.addEventListener('click', function(e) {
    $.trigger('click', e);

When the button is clicked in the parent view, the controller code in the required view fires a click event, which is caught by the parent view and executes the doClick method.

# Adding children views

If your Require element is a parent view, you can add children elements to it. These children elements are passed to the parent controller as an array called $.args.children. Use this array to access the children views to add them to the parent.

In the example below, you have the index view which is using the Require element to include another view called info. The required view is a yellow box with a brown border. Its controller adds the label view element passed in as the first element of the $.args.children array.


    <View backgroundColor="yellow" borderWidth="0.5" borderColor="brown"/>


// add children if there are any
_.each($.args.children || [], function(child) {

$.info.height = Ti.UI.SIZE;


    <Window class="container">
        <Require src="info">
            <Label>I am an info box.</Label>

# Namespace

By default, all UI components specified in the views are prefixed with Titanium.UI for convenience. However, to use a component not part of the Titanium.UI namespace, use the ns attribute. For example, to use the Titanium.UI.iOS.BlurView, do:

<BlurView ns="Ti.UI.iOS" id="blurView"/>

For UI objects that belong to a specific platform, such as the navigation window. Use the platform attribute to use the object, for example:

<SplitWindow platform="ios"/>

⚠️ Warning

If you used <NavigationWindow platform="ios"/> prior to Titanium 8.0.0, you will need to specify the platform type.

Many of the Titanium view proxies not part of the Titanium.UI namespace do not require that the ns attribute be explicitly set. The following elements are implicitly mapped to a namespace if one is not defined:

Element Namespace
Menu Ti.Android
MenuItem Ti.Android
Annotation Ti.Map
VideoPlayer Ti.Media
MusicPlayer Ti.Media
SearchView Ti.UI.Android
AdView Ti.UI.iOS
CoverFlowView Ti.UI.iOS
NavigationWindow Ti.UI
TabbedBar Ti.UI.iOS
DocumentViewer Ti.UI.iOS
Popover Ti.UI.iPad
SplitWindow Ti.UI.iOS
StatusBar Ti.UI.iOS

Additionally, use the alias Ti for Titanium.

# Conditional code

Add the platform, formFactor and if attributes to apply XML elements based on conditionals.

  • To specify a platform-specific element, use the platform attribute and assign it a platform, such as, android, ios, mobileweb, orwindows. Comma separate the values to logically OR the values together, for example, platform='ios,android' indicates both Android and iOS. Prepend the value with an exclamation point (!) to negate the value, for example, platform='!ios' indicates all platforms except iOS.

  • To specify a device-size-specific element, use the formFactor attribute and assign it a device size–either handheld or tablet.

  • To use a custom query, assign the if attribute to a conditional statement in the Alloy.Globals namespace. This conditional statement must return a boolean value. You may only assign one query to the if attribute.

  • The application can also pass custom Boolean properties with the Alloy.createController() method, which can be accessed by the XML. Assign the if attribute to the name of the property prefixed with the $.args namespace, for example, $.args.someProperty.

You can use all the attributes in any combination.

In the example below, different Annotation objects are displayed in the view based on the platform and device size.

        <Module id="mapview" module="ti.map" method="createView">
            <Annotation title="Cupertino" platform='ios' formFactor='tablet' latitude='37.3231' longitude='-122.0311'/>
            <Annotation title="Redwood City" platform='ios' formFactor='handheld' latitude='37.4853' longitude='-122.2353'/>
            <Annotation title="Mountain View" platform='android' latitude='37.3861' longitude='-122.0828'/>
            <Annotation title="Palo Alto" platform='android,ios,mobileweb' latitude='37.4419' longitude='-122.1419'/>
            <Annotation title="San Francisco" platform='mobileweb' latitude='37.7750' longitude='-122.4183'/>

You can also create subfolders, named as the platform, in the views directory as another way to create platform-specific views. Refer to Alloy Concepts: Platform-Specific Resources.

# Property mapping

Each Titanium UI object property is defined as an attribute in the XML and TSS file if it accepts a string, boolean, number or Titanium SDK constant, such as TI.UI.SIZE or Ti.UI.TEXT_ALIGNMENT_CENTER. Setting properties in the XML overrides the settings in the TSS file. Node text can also be used to define the Label text and Button title properties.

For example, the following code defines multiple Ti.UI.Label properties and defines the Label text property as node text:

<Label borderWidth="1" borderColor="red" color="red" width="Ti.UI.FILL">Hello, World!</Label>

Refer to the Titanium API Guides for the properties of each UI object.

# Proxy properties

For properties that are assigned Titanium proxies, such as Views or Buttons, these properties can be declared. Create a child tag under the Titanium UI object tag, using the name of the property with the first character capitalized. Then, declare your Titanium proxy inline with the child property tag. For example, the following code declares a rightNavButton for a Window:

            <Button title="Back" onClick="closeWindow" />

Currently, the following Titanium proxies and properties implemented using this syntax are:

Titanium Proxy Object / Alloy tag Proxy Property Child Alloy Tag Since
Titanium.Android.MenuItem / <MenuItem> actionView <ActionView> Alloy 1.6.0
Titanium.UI.iPad.Popover / <PopOver> contentView <ContentView> Alloy 1.4.0
Titanium.UI.Label / <Label> attributedString <AttributedString> Alloy 1.7.6
Titanium.UI.ListSection / <ListSection> footerView


Alloy 1.3.0
Titanium.UI.ListView / <ListView> footerView






<SearchBar> or <SearchView platform="android">
Alloy 1.3.0
Titanium.UI.OptionDialog / <OptionDialog> androidView <AndroidView> or <View> Alloy 1.5.0
Titanium.UI.TableView / <TableView> footerView






Alloy 1.1.0
Titanium.UI.TableViewSection / <TableViewSection> headerView <HeaderView>
Titanium.UI.TextArea / <TextArea> attributedString


Alloy 1.7.6

Alloy 1.5.0
Titanium.UI.TextField / <TextField> attributedHintText








Alloy 1.7.6

Alloy 1.7.6

Alloy 1.3.0

Alloy 1.3.0

Alloy 1.3.0
Titanium.UI.Window / <Window> leftNavButton






Alloy 1.6.0

# Android ActionBar

You can set ActionBar properties in the ActionBar element to modify the application's action bar. Add the ActionBar element as a child of either a Window or TabGroup, then set ActionBar attributes in the XML or TSS file. To add action items to the action bar, add the Menu element as a child of either a Window or TabGroup , then add MenuItem elements as children of the Menu element. Set MenuItem attributes in either the XML or TSS file.


    <Window title="My App">
        <ActionBar id="actionbar" platform="android" title="Home Screen" onHomeIconItemSelected="showInfo" />
            <MenuItem id="editItem" title="Edit" onClick="editInfo" />
            <MenuItem id="viewItem" title="View" onClick="viewInfo" />
        <Label id="label">Use the ActionBar to Perform an Action.</Label>


"MenuItem": {
    showAsAction: Ti.Android.SHOW_AS_ACTION_ALWAYS
"#item1": {
    icon: Ti.Android.R.drawable.ic_menu_edit
"#item2": {
    icon: Ti.Android.R.drawable.ic_menu_view
"#actionbar": {
    icon: "/appicon.png",

# iOS navigation button shorthand

When specifying either the LeftNavButton or RightNavButton element with aWindow or iPadPopover object, you do not need to create a separate Button object inside these elements in the XML file. Instead, you can define the Button attributes with the LeftNavButton and RightNavButton elements. Note that you cannot use node text to define the button title. It must be specified as the title attribute. For example:


            <LeftNavButton title="Back" onClick="goBack" />
            <Label>I am iOS!</Label>

# iOS systemButton shorthand

When specifying the systemButton attribute for a Button object, you do not need to use the Ti.UI.iOS.SystemButton namespace. For example, the following markup creates the iOS camera button:

<Button systemButton="CAMERA"/>
<!-- Instead of -->
<Button systemButton="Titanium.UI.iOS.SystemButton.CAMERA"/>

# TextField keyboard shorthands

When specifying the keyboardType attribute or returnKeyType attribute for a TextField object, you do not need to use the Titanium.UI.KEYBOARD_ or Titanium.UI.RETURNKEY_ namespace, respectively. If you are using these shorthands in the TSS file, the shorthand must be specified as strings, so place them in quotes. For example:

<TextField id="txt" keyboardType="DECIMAL_PAD" returnKeyType="DONE"/>

"#txt": {
  keyboardType: "DECIMAL_PAD",
  returnKeyType: "DONE"

<!-- Instead of -->

<TextField id="txt" keyboardType="Titanium.UI.KEYBOARD_DECIMAL_PAD" returnKeyType="Titanium.UI.RETURNKEY_DONE"/>

"#txt": {
  keyboardType: Titanium.UI.KEYBOARD_DECIMAL_PAD,
  returnKeyType: "Titanium.UI.RETURNKEY_DONE"

# Event handling

In Alloy, events may be added in the views using a special attribute. Capitalize the first character of the event name and prefix it with on, so the Ti.UI.Button object events click, dblclick and swipe events will become the attributes: onClick, onDblclick, and onSwipe, respectively. These attributes can be used to assign callbacks from the corresponding controller. For example, the view code below binds the button click event to the confirmCB callback using the onClick attribute. The confirmCB callback needs to be defined in the associated controller of the view.

        <Button id="confirmButton" onClick="confirmCB">OK</Button>

Refer to the Titanium API Guides for the events of each UI object.

# Data binding

If you have a collection of model data that needs to be automatically updated to a view as it changes, you need to use data binding techniques to synchronize the model to a view. See Alloy Data Binding for more details.

# Non-standard syntax

Some Titanium view elements use special syntax. Refer to the Alloy XML Markup examples in the Titanium API Guides site for the following view objects: