# Titanium.Android.BroadcastReceiver

Monitor and handle Android system broadcasts.


# Overview

The application can use broadcast receivers to monitor system events from the Android OS as well as custom broadcasts sent by other applications. The application will need to know the name of the broadcast actions in order to monitor them. Note that Titanium only supports programmatically creating and registering broadcast receivers. Titanium does not support declaring a receiver in the Android manifest.

To create a Broadcast Receiver, use the Titanium.Android.createBroadcastReceiver method. Specify either a callback to handle the broadcast with the onReceived property or a JavaScript file with the url property. Do not specify both. If both properties are used, the url property takes precedence.

To start listening to a broadcast, pass the BroadcastReceiver object and an array of broadcast actions to listen for to the Titanium.Android.registerBroadcastReceiver method.

Titanium exposes some of the system-level broadcasts as the Titanium.Android.ACTION_* constants. Note that some of these constants are not broadcast messages.

You can also define a custom broadcast action. Use a reverse domain name scheme in order to avoid potential conflicts with other applications.

To stop listening to a broadcast, pass the BroadcastReceiver object to the Titanium.Android.unregisterBroadcastReceiver method.

To monitor a broadcast that requires a special permission, declare the <uses-permission> element in the Android manifest section of the tiapp.xml file for each broadcast that uses a special permission. For example, to monitor the NEW_OUTGOING_CALL broadcast, the application needs to add the following permission:

            <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.NEW_OUTGOING_CALL" />

Further Reading:

# Examples

# Create and register a broadcast receiver

This example creates a broadcast receiver and registers it to handle the airplane mode broadcast.

var bc = Ti.Android.createBroadcastReceiver({
    onReceived: function() {
        Ti.API.info('Handling broadcast.');

Ti.Android.registerBroadcastReceiver(bc, [Ti.Android.ACTION_AIRPLANE_MODE_CHANGED]);

# Properties

# onReceived

onReceived :Callback<Object>

The function called when a broadcast is received.

# url

url :String

URL of the JavaScript file to handle the broadcast.